Filter class public functions

Additional functions inherited from Generator.

Does nothing important

Does nothing.

void connect(Signal& in, int slot = NONE);
void connect(Signal* in, int slot = NONE);
Connects an input signal to the object in the assigned slot in the input array. Derived classes will define how many slots are used and what sort of signal goes into each input index.
void connect(sampleType aDefault, int slot = NONE);
Sets the default value of inputs[slot] if no signal is connected at slot.

Signal* disconnect(int slot);
Disconnects any signal connected at slot. Returns a pointer to the signal that was removed, NULL if no signal.
int disconnect(Signal& toRemove);
int disconnect(Signal* toRemove);
Disconnect first occurrence of any signal toRemove in the inputs. Return true (1) is a signal was removed, false (0) otherwise.

void printConnections(int flag = 0);
Prints to standard error the names of the input signals to the object. Can recursively print connections, as well as print the state of the object. Note that an infinite loop will occur if signals are connected into a loop.

possible values for flag:

    0  =  print connections only 
    1  =  print connections recursively
    2  =  print connections only, plus call printState()
    3  =  print connections recursively, plus call printState()

void tick(int newTickNumber);
If newTickNumber is different than the previous tick number, then action() will be called after all input signals are ticked. Initial value of tick is MAX_INT. Note that circularly connected signals will not be ticked in an infinite loop, but will only be ticked once for each tick number.