Sets the interpolation type to linear and set the
internal table size to size.
LookupTable(sampleType* aTable, int size);
Sets the interpolation type to linear and borrows the given
LookupTable(LookupTable& aTable);
Allow for copying objects from other object. If table is
borrowed, then in the new object it will also be borrowed.
If the table is internal, then in the new object it will
be made internal.
Deletes the table array if not borrowed.
void doLinearInterpolation(void);
Sets the LookupTable to use linear interpolation if a
floating-point number is given as an index.
void doConstantInterpolation(void);
Sets the LookupTable to use constant interpolation if a
floating-point number is given as an index.
void operator=(void);
Allow for copying objects from other object. If table is
borrowed, then in the new object it will also be borrowed.
If the table is internal, then in the new object it will
be made internal.