LookupTableCI class public functions


LookupTableCI(int size = 0);
Creates a lookup table with a storage size of size. Initial contents of table is undefined. Use the zero() function if initialzation is needed.
LookupTableCI(sampleType* aTable, int size);
Borrows a lookup table from another source. size is the number of emements in the borrowed array. It is up to the user of the borrowed table to ensure that it remains valid. Use the setSize() function to stop borrowing a table and create an internal table.
LookupTableCI(LookupTableCI& aTable);
Copies the parameters of aTable. If aTable has an internal table, that table will be copied into an internal table of the newly created object. If the table was borrowed, then the new object will borrow the same table.

Deletes the table array if it is not borrowed.

sampleType* base(void) const;
Returns the base address of the table's storage array. This function can be used to borrow tables between LookupTable objects.

void borrow(sampleType* aTable, int size);
Borrows the array aTable with the specified number of elements. Will delete previous used array if owned by table. It is up to the user to guarentee that the borrowed table remains valid.

int borrowQ(void) const;
Returns true if a table is being borrowed; false if using an internal table.

long getSize(void); const
Returns the number of elements in the table.

LookupTableCI& operator=(LookupTableCI& aTable);
Allow for copying objects from other object. If table is borrowed, then in the new object it will also be borrowed. If the table is internal, then in the new object it will be made internal.

LookupTableCI& operator+=(LookupTableCI& aTable);
Adds the contents of aTable into the lookup table. Size of aTable must equal size of this object.

LookupTableCI& operator-=(LookupTableCI& aTable);
Subtracts the contents of aTable into the lookup table. Size of aTable must equal size of this object.

LookupTableCI& operator*=(LookupTableCI& aTable);
Multiplies the contents of aTable into the lookup table. Size of aTable must equal size of this object.
LookupTableCI& operator*=(double amplitude);
LookupTableCI& operator*=(int amplitude);
Multiplies the contents of the lookup table by the constant amplitude.

sampleType& operator[](long readIndex);
Returns the table element at index readIndex in the table's array.
sampleType operator[](double readIndex);
Returns the table element at index Floor(readIndex) in the Table's array. Constant interpolation between indexes.

void setSize(long size);
Sets the size of the table array. If borrowing a table, stop borrowing the table and make own table with given size. Contents of table is undefined after calling the setSize function. Use the zero() function if you need to initialize the table.

void zero(sampleType aValue = 0);
Sets all elements of the table array to aValue. You can zero a borrowed table, but you better know what you are doing...