Vector class public functions

Vector(int aDimension = 2);
Creates a vector with aDimension number of elements. Contents of vector are initially undefined.
Vector(const Vector& aVector);
Vector(const Vector* aVector);
Creates a vector by copying the contents of another vector.
Deletes the storage space for vector elements.
int getDimension(void) const;
Returns the dimension of the vector.
type& operator[](int index);
Access the vector as an array of elements.
Vector& operator=(const Vector& aVector);
Assignment operator for vectors.
Vector& operator+=(const Vector& aVector);
Vector& operator-=(const Vector& aVector);
Vector& operator*=(const Vector& aVector);
Vector& operator*=(type aNumber);
Vector& operator/=(const Vector& aVector);
Vector& operator/=(type aNumber);
Arithmetic assignment operators for vectors. Pointwise for all these operators.
Vector operator+(const Vector& aVector) const;
Addition of vectors
Vector operator-(const Vector& aVector) const;
Subtrations of vectors
Vector operator-(void) const;
Unary minus sign for vectors.
Vector operator*(const Vector& aVector) const;
Pointwise multiplication of vectors.
Vector operator*(type aNumber) const;
Multiplication of vectors by a scalar.
Vector operator/(const Vector& aVector) const;
Pointwise division of vectors.
Vector operator/(type aNumber) const;
Division of vectors by a scalar.
void print(void);
Prints the vector in ASCII form. See also the related function operator<<.
void setDimension(int aDimension);
Sets the dimension of the vector. If the dimension of the vector is increased, then the original dimension values will remain the same, and the new dimensions will be set to zero. If the dimensions are decreased, then only the lower dimension values in the vector will be saved into the new vector storage.
type& x(void);
Another way to access this[0].
type& y(void);
Another way to access this[1].
type& z(void);
Another way to access this[2].
void zero(type aValue = 0);
Sets all elements in the vector to 0.

Related functions:

ostream& operator<<(ostream& output, Vector aNumber);
Ascii printout of a vector.
double norm(Vector& aVector);
Returns the norm, or length, of a vector.
type normSquare(Vector& aVector);
Returns the norm squared.
type ip(Vector& vector1, Vector& vector2);
Return the inner product of two vectors. Can handle complex numbers.