// Programmer: Craig Stuart Sapp <craig@ccrma.stanford.edu>
// Creation Date: Thu Dec 27 19:33:37 PST 2001
// Last Modified: Wed Jan 2 14:25:02 PST 2002
// Last Modified: Thu Aug 15 12:21:21 PDT 2002 (added V and v marks)
// Filename: ...sig/examples/all/koto2eps.cpp
// Web Address: http://sig.sapp.org/examples/museinfo/humdrum/koto2eps.cpp
// Syntax: C++; museinfo
// Description: Convert Humdrum **koto representation to an EPS format
// using arabic numerals.
// Todo:
// add V and v marks
// add slur marks
// add chord marker to left of chord
// fix chord accidental: bottom note is getting top note accidental
// add rotation portrait/landscape
#include "humdrum.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifndef OLDCPP
#include <sstream>
#define SSTREAM stringstream
#define CSTRING str().c_str()
using namespace std;
#ifdef VISUAL
#include <strstrea.h> /* for Windows 95 */
#include <strstream.h>
#define SSTREAM strstream
#define CSTRING str()
class StaffItem {
StaffItem(void) { clear(); }
~StaffItem() { }
void clear(void) {
line = spine = beams = -1;
hpos = width = height = -1.0;
textfont = 'T';
textface = 'R';
textsize = 12.0;
textjustify = 'L';
chord = grace = 0;
vpos = 0;
memset(name, '\0', 32);
char name[32]; //
int line; // line in humdrum file of item
int spine; // spine on line in humdrum file of item
char grace; // 1 = grace note
char chord; // 1 = grace note
double hpos; // horizontal position of item
double vpos; // horizontal position of item
double width; // horizontal position of item
double height; // horizontal position of item
int beams; // for beaming information
int textfont; // default font for text display (T, H, C)
int textface; // default font for text display (R, I, B)
double textsize; // default font size for text display
int textjustify; // default text justification for text (C,L,R)
typedef Array<StaffItem> StaffItemArray;
// function declarations
void checkOptions(Options& opts, int argc, char* argv[]);
void example(void);
void usage(const char* command);
void storeEpsHeader(SSTREAM& out, int pagecount);
void storeEpsFooter(SSTREAM& out);
void generateKotoNotation(HumdrumFile& infile, SSTREAM& out);
void storePageStart(SSTREAM& out, int pagenum);
void calculatePageInformation(HumdrumFile& infile,
Array<StaffItemArray>& systems);
void drawPrintingMargin(SSTREAM& out);
void setPageSize(const char* sizestring, double& width,
double& height);
double getItemWidth(const char* name, double scaling);
double getItemHeight(const char* name, double scaling);
char getStringSymbol(const char* string);
void printSystemInformation(Array<StaffItemArray>& systems);
int fillSystem(HumdrumFile& infile, int start,
StaffItemArray& sarray, double indent);
double getKotoDuration(const char* kstring);
int countKotoDots(const char* kstring);
void writeStaff(SSTREAM& out, StaffItemArray& items, int staff,
int page, HumdrumFile& infile);
void printItem(SSTREAM& out, StaffItem& item, double vpos,
HumdrumFile& infile, StaffItemArray& items,
int iline);
void storeSymbols(SSTREAM& out);
void printTechniques(SSTREAM& out, StaffItem& item, double vpos,
HumdrumFile& infile);
int getSharpCount(const char* string);
int getBeamCount(const char* string);
void printBeaming(SSTREAM& out, StaffItem& item, double vpos,
HumdrumFile& infile, StaffItemArray& items,
int iline);
void appendSpace(StaffItemArray& sarray, StaffItem& spaceitem);
void printTitleInformation(SSTREAM& out, HumdrumFile& infile);
int endOfBeat(HumdrumFile& infile, int line);
int endOfBeat2(HumdrumFile& infile, int line);
double adjustwidth(HumdrumFile& infile, StaffItemArray& items,
int iline, int level);
void processComment(const char* cstring, StaffItem& textitem,
StaffItemArray& sarray, int line, int spine,
double& totalwidth);
void printChord(HumdrumFile& infile, StaffItem& item,
SSTREAM& out, double vpos);
void processColor(const char* cstring, StaffItemArray& sarray,
double hpos);
char hexdigit(int number, int digit);
void printColor(SSTREAM& out, const char* cstring,
StaffItem& item, double lmargin, double vpos);
void printText(SSTREAM& out, StaffItem& item, double vpos,
HumdrumFile& infile);
const char* getTuningInfo(HumdrumFile& infile);
void printTuningInfo(SSTREAM& out, const char* tuning);
// global variables
Options options; // database for command-line arguments
int staffperpage = 8; // max number of staves per page
int debugQ = 0; // for debugging lines;
int pagecountQ = 0; // for printing out the number of pages only
double beambase = 10.5; // base line for lowest beam (8th note)
double beamsep = 0.70; // distance between beams lines
double beamthick = 0.35; // thickness of beams
double beatspace = 1.0; // number of spaces between beats
double pagewidth = 612.0; // width of the page (8.5" by default)
double pageheight = 792.0; // height of the page (11" by default)
double lmargin = 54.0; // left margin (0.75" by default)
double rmargin = 54.0; // right margin (0.75" by default)
double bmargin = 72.0; // bottom margin (1" by default)
double tmargin = 108.0; // top margin (1.5" by default)
double indentfirst = 18.0; // indent length for first system
double scaling = 1.25; // scaling of items on staff
int measurenumQ = 0; // for measure number display
char titlestring[1024] = {0};
char composerstring[1024] = {0};
char composerdatestring[1024] = {0};
int verbosetitleQ = 1; // for displaying title at bottom of pages
int colorQ = 1; // for -C option
int textQ = 1; // for -X option
int justifyQ = 1; // for -J option
const char* tuning = ""; // for printing tuning specification
// font control variables
int textfont = 'T'; // default font for text display (T, H, C)
int textface = 'R'; // default font for text display (R, I, B)
double textsize = 12.0; // default font size for text display
int textjustify = 'L'; // default text justification for text (C,L,R)
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
checkOptions(options, argc, argv); // process the command-line options
HumdrumFile infile;
if (options.getArgCount() < 1) {
} else {
tuning = getTuningInfo(infile);
SSTREAM epsoutput;
generateKotoNotation(infile, epsoutput);
epsoutput << ends;
cout << epsoutput.str();
return 0;
// getTuningInfo -- read the first !!!tune: record in the file.
const char* getTuningInfo(HumdrumFile& infile) {
int i;
const char* ptr = "";
for (i=0; i<infile.getNumLines(); i++) {
if (infile[i].getType() == E_humrec_bibliography) {
if (strncmp(infile[i][0], "!!!tune:", 8) == 0) {
ptr = &(infile[i][0][8]);
i = 0;
while (ptr[i] == ' ' || ptr[i] == '\t') {
return ptr + i;
// checkOptions -- validate and process command-line options.
void checkOptions(Options& opts, int argc, char* argv[]) {
opts.define("a|append=b", "append analysis to data in output");
opts.define("debug=b", "trace input parsing");
opts.define("J|no-justify=b", "don't justify music");
opts.define("author=b", "author of the program");
opts.define("version=b", "compilation information");
opts.define("example=b", "example usage");
opts.define("h|help=b", "short description");
opts.define("pagecount=b", "print number of pages only");
// style options
opts.define("M|measure-numbers=b", "for suppressing measure numbers");
opts.define("T|no-title-footer=b", "suppress title at bottom of page");
opts.define("C|ignore-color=b", "suppress coloration markings");
opts.define("X|ignore-text=b", "suppress coloration markings");
// spacing information
opts.define("staffperpage=i:8", "number of staves per page");
opts.define("bs|beatspace=d:1.0", "spaces between beats");
opts.define("s|scale|scaling=d:1.25", "scaling size of items in score");
opts.define("i|indent=s:0.25 in", "first system indentation");
// beam information
opts.define("base|beambase=d:10.5", "base line for lowest beam");
opts.define("sep|beamsep=d:0.7", "distance between beam lines");
opts.define("thick|beamthick=d:0.35", "thickness of beams");
// page size information
opts.define("p|pagesize=s:8.5x11.0 in", "size of paper wxh");
opts.define("l|leftmargin=s:0.75 in", "page margin on left");
opts.define("r|rightmargin=s:0.75 in", "page margin on right");
opts.define("t|topmargin=s:1.5 in", "page margin on top");
opts.define("b|bottommargin=s:1.0 in", "page margin on bottom");
opts.process(argc, argv);
// handle basic options:
if (opts.getBoolean("author")) {
cout << "Written by Craig Stuart Sapp, "
<< "craig@ccrma.stanford.edu, Dec 2001" << endl;
} else if (opts.getBoolean("version")) {
cout << argv[0] << ", version: 15 Aug 2001" << endl;
cout << "compiled: " << __DATE__ << endl;
cout << MUSEINFO_VERSION << endl;
} else if (opts.getBoolean("help")) {
} else if (opts.getBoolean("example")) {
staffperpage = opts.getInt("staffperpage");
debugQ = opts.getBoolean("debug");
justifyQ = !opts.getBoolean("no-justify");
pagecountQ = opts.getBoolean("pagecount");
beambase = opts.getDouble("beambase");
beamsep = opts.getDouble("beamsep");
beamthick = opts.getDouble("beamthick");
beatspace = opts.getDouble("beatspace");
measurenumQ = !opts.getBoolean("measure-numbers");
colorQ = !opts.getBoolean("ignore-color");
textQ = !opts.getBoolean("ignore-text");
verbosetitleQ = !opts.getBoolean("no-title-footer");
scaling = opts.getDouble("scaling");
setPageSize(opts.getString("pagesize"), pagewidth, pageheight);
indentfirst = opts.getDouble("indent");
if (strstr(opts.getString("indent"), "in") != NULL) {
indentfirst = indentfirst * 72.0;
} else if (strstr(opts.getString("indent"), "cm") != NULL) {
indentfirst = indentfirst / 2.54 * 72.0;
} else if (strstr(opts.getString("indent"), "mm") != NULL) {
indentfirst = indentfirst / 25.4 * 72.0;
lmargin = opts.getDouble("leftmargin");
if (strstr(opts.getString("leftmargin"), "in") != NULL) {
lmargin = lmargin * 72.0;
} else if (strstr(opts.getString("leftmargin"), "cm") != NULL) {
lmargin = lmargin / 2.54 * 72.0;
} else if (strstr(opts.getString("leftmargin"), "mm") != NULL) {
lmargin = lmargin / 25.4 * 72.0;
rmargin = opts.getDouble("rightmargin");
if (strstr(opts.getString("rightmargin"), "in") != NULL) {
rmargin = rmargin * 72.0;
} else if (strstr(opts.getString("rightmargin"), "cm") != NULL) {
rmargin = rmargin / 2.54 * 72.0;
} else if (strstr(opts.getString("rightmargin"), "mm") != NULL) {
rmargin = rmargin / 25.4 * 72.0;
tmargin = opts.getDouble("topmargin");
if (strstr(opts.getString("topmargin"), "in") != NULL) {
tmargin = tmargin * 72.0;
} else if (strstr(opts.getString("topmargin"), "cm") != NULL) {
tmargin = tmargin / 2.54 * 72.0;
} else if (strstr(opts.getString("topmargin"), "mm") != NULL) {
tmargin = tmargin / 25.4 * 72.0;
bmargin = opts.getDouble("bottommargin");
if (strstr(opts.getString("bottommargin"), "in") != NULL) {
bmargin = bmargin * 72.0;
} else if (strstr(opts.getString("bottommargin"), "cm") != NULL) {
bmargin = bmargin / 2.54 * 72.0;
} else if (strstr(opts.getString("bottommargin"), "mm") != NULL) {
bmargin = bmargin / 25.4 * 72.0;
// setPageSize -- read the option string for setting the page size.
void setPageSize(const char* sizestring, double& width, double& height) {
int count = sscanf(sizestring, "%lfx%lf", &width, &height);
if (count != 2) {
if (strstr(sizestring, "in") != NULL) {
width *= 72.0;
height *= 72.0;
} else if (strstr(sizestring, "cm") != NULL) {
width = width / 2.54 * 72.0;
height = height / 2.54 * 72.0;
} else if (strstr(sizestring, "mm") != NULL) {
width = width / 25.4 * 72.0;
height = height / 25.2 * 72.0;
// drawPrintingMargin -- print the bounding box for the printing region
void drawPrintingMargin(SSTREAM& out) {
out << " 0.0 w \n";
out << " 1 0 0 setrgbcolor \n";
out << lmargin << " " << bmargin << " m \n";
out << lmargin << " " << pageheight - tmargin << " l \n";
out << pagewidth - rmargin << " " << pageheight - tmargin << " l \n";
out << pagewidth - rmargin << " " << bmargin << " l \n";
out << lmargin << " " << bmargin << " l \n";
out << " closepath \n stroke \n";
// generateKotoNotation --
void generateKotoNotation(HumdrumFile& infile, SSTREAM& out) {
Array<StaffItemArray> systems;
calculatePageInformation(infile, systems);
int systemcount = systems.getSize();
int pagecount = (int)((1.0 * systemcount) / staffperpage + 0.99999);
int sys = 0;
storeEpsHeader(out, pagecount);
int i, j;
for (i=0; i<pagecount; i++) {
storePageStart(out, i+1);
for (j=0; j<staffperpage; j++) {
if (sys <= systemcount) {
writeStaff(out, systems[i * staffperpage + j], j, i+1, infile);
} else {
out << " showpage \n";
// for (i=0; i<systems.getSize(); i++) {
// systems[i].setSize(0);
// }
// systems.setSize(0);
// writeStaff --
void writeStaff(SSTREAM& out, StaffItemArray& items, int staff, int page,
HumdrumFile& infile) {
int i;
double height = pageheight - tmargin - bmargin;
double spacer = height / staffperpage;
double vpos = (staffperpage - staff - 0.5) * spacer + bmargin;
out << "% page = " << page << "\tstaff = " << staff+1 << "\n";
if (page > 1 && staff == 0) {
out << "\t" << 16 << "\t(" << page << ")" << "\t\t\t\tpagenumber\n";
if (verbosetitleQ) {
out << "\t" << 8 << "\t"
<< "(\\(" << titlestring << "\\))\t\ttitlefooter\n";
} else if (page == 1 && staff == 0) {
printTitleInformation(out, infile);
if (strcmp(tuning, "") != 0) {
printTuningInfo(out, tuning);
for (i=0; i<items.getSize(); i++) {
printItem(out, items[i], vpos, infile, items, i);
out << "\n";
// printTuningInformation --
void printTuningInfo(SSTREAM& out, const char* tuning) {
int length = strlen(tuning);
if (length > 0) {
out << "\t" << 12 << "\t(" << tuning << ")"
<< "\t\t\ttuning\n";
// printTitleInformation --
void printTitleInformation(SSTREAM& out, HumdrumFile& infile) {
int i;
int j;
for (i=0; i<infile.getNumLines(); i++) {
if (infile[i].getType() == E_humrec_bibliography) {
if (strncmp(infile[i][0], "!!!OTL", 6) == 0) {
j = 6;
while (infile[i][0][j] != '\0' && infile[i][0][j] != ':') {
if (infile[i][0][j] == '\0') {
j++; // skip over ':'
while (infile[i][0][j] != '\0' && infile[i][0][j] == ' ') {
strcpy(titlestring, &(infile[i][0][j]));
for (i=0; i<infile.getNumLines(); i++) {
if (infile[i].getType() == E_humrec_bibliography) {
if (strncmp(infile[i][0], "!!!COM", 6) == 0) {
j = 6;
while (infile[i][0][j] != '\0' && infile[i][0][j] != ':') {
if (infile[i][0][j] == '\0') {
j++; // skip over ':'
while (infile[i][0][j] != '\0' && infile[i][0][j] == ' ') {
strcpy(composerstring, &(infile[i][0][j]));
for (i=0; i<infile.getNumLines(); i++) {
if (infile[i].getType() == E_humrec_bibliography) {
if (strncmp(infile[i][0], "!!!CDT", 6) == 0) {
j = 6;
while (infile[i][0][j] != '\0' && infile[i][0][j] != ':') {
if (infile[i][0][j] == '\0') {
j++; // skip over ':'
while (infile[i][0][j] != '\0' && infile[i][0][j] == ' ') {
int byear = 0;
int dyear = 0;
int count = sscanf(infile[i][0], "!!!CDT: %d///-%d///",
&byear, &dyear);
if (count == 2) {
sprintf(composerdatestring, "\\(%d\\261%d\\)", byear, dyear);
int length = strlen(titlestring);
if (length > 0) {
out << "\t" << 18 << "\t(" << titlestring << ")\t\t\ttitle\n";
length = strlen(composerstring);
if (length > 0) {
out << "\t" << 12 << "\t(" << composerstring
<< ")\t(" << composerdatestring << ")"
<< "\tcomposer\n";
// printItem --
void printItem(SSTREAM& out, StaffItem& item, double vpos,
HumdrumFile& infile, StaffItemArray& items, int iline) {
if (strcmp(item.name, "doublebar") == 0) {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin << "\t" << vpos << "\t"
<< scaling << "\t\t\t" << "doublebar" << "\n";
} else if (strcmp(item.name, "finalbar") == 0) {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin << "\t" << vpos << "\t"
<< scaling << "\t\t\t" << "fbar" << "\n";
} else if (strstr(item.name, "bar") != NULL) {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin << "\t" << vpos << "\t"
<< scaling << "\t\t\t" << item.name << "\n";
} else if (strlen(item.name) == 1 && item.name[0] - '0' < 10 &&
item.name[0] - '0' >= 0) {
if (item.chord) {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin << "\t"
<< vpos - 0.5 * item.height << "\t"
<< scaling << "\t\t\t" << "string" << item.name << "\n";
} else if (item.grace) {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin << "\t"
<< vpos + 8.0 * scaling << "\t" << scaling * 0.65
<< "\t\t\t" << "string" << item.name << "\n";
} else {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin << "\t" << vpos << "\t"
<< scaling << "\t\t\t" << "string" << item.name << "\n";
if (textQ) {
printText(out, item, vpos, infile);
printTechniques(out, item, vpos, infile);
printBeaming(out, item, vpos, infile, items, iline);
if (strchr(infile[item.line][0], ' ') != NULL) {
printChord(infile, item, out, vpos);
} else if (strlen(item.name) == 1 && item.name[0] - 'A' < 4 &&
item.name[0] - 'A' >= 0) {
int digit = 10 + item.name[0] - 'A';
if (item.chord) {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin << "\t"
<< vpos - 0.5 * item.height << "\t"
<< scaling << "\t\t\t" << "string" << digit << "\n";
} else if (item.grace) {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin << "\t"
<< vpos + 8.0 * scaling << "\t" << scaling * 0.65
<< "\t\t\t" << "string" << digit << "\n";
} else {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin << "\t" << vpos << "\t"
<< scaling << "\t\t\t" << "string" << digit << "\n";
if (textQ) {
printText(out, item, vpos, infile);
printTechniques(out, item, vpos, infile);
printBeaming(out, item, vpos, infile, items, iline);
if (strchr(infile[item.line][0], ' ') != NULL) {
printChord(infile, item, out, vpos);
} else if (strcmp(item.name, "W") == 0) {
if (item.chord) {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin << "\t"
<< vpos - 0.5 * item.height << "\t"
<< scaling << "\t\t\t" << "wa" << "\n";
} else if (item.grace) {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin << "\t"
<< vpos + 8.0 * scaling << "\t" << scaling * 0.65
<< "\t\t\t" << "wa" << "\n";
} else {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin << "\t" << vpos << "\t"
<< scaling << "\t\t\t" << "wa" << "\n";
if (textQ) {
printText(out, item, vpos, infile);
printTechniques(out, item, vpos, infile);
printBeaming(out, item, vpos, infile, items, iline);
if (strchr(infile[item.line][0], ' ') != NULL) {
printChord(infile, item, out, vpos);
} else if (strcmp(item.name, "Z") == 0) {
if (item.chord) {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin << "\t"
<< vpos - 0.5 * item.height << "\t"
<< scaling << "\t\t\t" << "Zu" << "\n";
} else if (item.grace) {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin << "\t"
<< vpos + 8.0 * scaling << "\t" << scaling * 0.65
<< "\t\t\t" << "Zu" << "\n";
} else {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin << "\t" << vpos << "\t"
<< scaling << "\t\t\t" << "Zu" << "\n";
if (textQ) {
printText(out, item, vpos, infile);
printTechniques(out, item, vpos, infile);
printBeaming(out, item, vpos, infile, items, iline);
if (strchr(infile[item.line][0], ' ') != NULL) {
printChord(infile, item, out, vpos);
} else if (strcmp(item.name, "z") == 0) {
if (item.chord) {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin << "\t"
<< vpos - 0.5 * item.height << "\t"
<< scaling << "\t\t\t" << "zu" << "\n";
} else if (item.grace) {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin << "\t"
<< vpos + 8.0 * scaling << "\t" << scaling * 0.65
<< "\t\t\t" << "zu" << "\n";
} else {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin << "\t" << vpos << "\t"
<< scaling << "\t\t\t" << "zu" << "\n";
if (textQ) {
printText(out, item, vpos, infile);
printTechniques(out, item, vpos, infile);
printBeaming(out, item, vpos, infile, items, iline);
if (strchr(infile[item.line][0], ' ') != NULL) {
printChord(infile, item, out, vpos);
} else if (strlen(item.name) == 1 && item.name[0] == '-') {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin << "\t" << vpos << "\t"
<< scaling << "\t\t\t" << "dash\n";
} else if (strcmp(item.name, " ") == 0) {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin << "\t" << vpos << "\t"
<< item.width << "\t\t\t" << "spacer\n";
} else if (strncmp(item.name, "measno=", 7) == 0) {
int barno = 0;
int count = sscanf(item.name, "measno=%d", &barno);
if (count == 1) {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin +
getItemWidth("sbar", scaling) * 0.5
<< "\t" << vpos + getItemHeight("sbar", scaling) +
6 * scaling
<< "\t" << 10 * scaling
<< "\t(" << barno << ")\t\tbarnum\n";
} else if (strcmp(item.name, "augdot") == 0) {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin << "\t" << vpos
<< "\t" << scaling << "\t\t\taugdot\n";
} else if (strcmp(item.name, "sha") == 0) {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin << "\t" << vpos
<< "\t" << scaling << "\t\t\tsha\n";
} else if (strncmp(item.name, "color=", 6) == 0) {
printColor(out, &item.name[6], item, lmargin, vpos);
} else if (strncmp(item.name, "text", 4) == 0) {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin << "\t" << vpos + 25 * scaling
<< "\t" << scaling << "\t";
switch (item.textfont) {
case 'C': out << "/Courier"; break;
case 'H': out << "/Helvetica"; break;
case 'T':
default: out << "/Times-Roman"; break;
out << "\t" << item.textsize;
out << "\t(" << &infile[item.line][0][5] << ")";
out << "\t" << item.name << "\n";
} else if (strcmp(item.name, "indent") == 0) {
// ignore code
} else {
out << "% unknown item : \"" << item.name << "\"\n";
// printText -- print lyrics
void printText(SSTREAM& out, StaffItem& item, double vpos,
HumdrumFile& infile) {
int line = item.line;
int spine = item.spine;
int spinecount = infile[line].getFieldCount();
int i = spine + 1;
int verse = 1;
while ((i<spinecount) &&
((strcmp(infile[line].getExInterp(i), "**text") == 0) ||
(strcmp(infile[line].getExInterp(i), "**silbe") == 0)) ) {
if (strcmp(infile[line][i], ".") != 0) {
out << "\t" << lmargin + item.hpos + item.width / 2.0
<< "\t" << vpos
<< "\t" << scaling
<< "\t(" << infile[line][i] << ")"
<< "\t" << verse
<< "\t" << 0 // justification = center
<< "\t" << "verse\n";
// printColor --
void printColor(SSTREAM& out, const char* cstring, StaffItem& item,
double lmargin, double vpos) {
char buffer[7] = {0};
strncpy(buffer, cstring, 6);
double blue = strtol(&buffer[4], NULL, 16) / 255.0;
buffer[4] = '\0';
double green = strtol(&buffer[2], NULL, 16) / 255.0;
buffer[2] = '\0';
double red = strtol(buffer, NULL, 16) / 255.0;
out << "\t" << red << "\t" << green << "\t" << blue << "\t\t\tsetcolor\n";
// printChord --
void printChord(HumdrumFile& infile, StaffItem& item, SSTREAM& out,
double vpos) {
const char* note2 = strchr(infile[item.line][0], ' ');
if (note2 == NULL) {
char string = getStringSymbol(note2);
int stringnum = 0;
char strnum[2] = {0};
strnum[0] = string;
if (isdigit(string)) {
stringnum = string - '0';
} else {
stringnum = string - 'A' + 10;
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin -
(getItemWidth(strnum, scaling)-item.width)/2.0 << "\t"
<< vpos + item.height / 2.0 + 1.0 * scaling
<< "\t" << scaling << "\t\t\t" << "string" << stringnum << "\n";
// printBeaming -- printing of beams
void printBeaming(SSTREAM& out, StaffItem& item, double vpos,
HumdrumFile& infile, StaffItemArray& items, int iline) {
double bheight = 1.5; // height of beams
double bspace = 1.0; // spacing between beams
int graceQ = item.grace;
int level = item.beams;
double newwidth = 0.0;
double newvpos = 0.0;
int i;
for (i=0; i<level; i++) {
newwidth = adjustwidth(infile, items, iline, i+1);
if (graceQ) {
newvpos = vpos + 8.0 * scaling - bspace * (i+1) * scaling * 0.65 -
bheight * i * scaling * 0.65;
} else {
newvpos = vpos - bspace * (i+1) * scaling - bheight * i * scaling;
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin; // horizontal position
out << "\t" << newvpos; // vertical position
out << "\t" << newwidth; // width
out << "\t" << level; // number of lines in beaming
if (graceQ) {
out << "\t" << scaling * 0.65; // size scaling
} else {
out << "\t" << scaling; // size scaling
out << "\tbeam\n";
// process fingerings
double offset = item.width / 2.0;
if (strchr(infile[item.line][item.spine], '1') != NULL) {
offset += item.width * 0.30;
if (strchr(infile[item.line][item.spine], 'a') != NULL) {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin; // hpos
out << "\t" << vpos; // vpos
out << "\t" << offset; // offset
out << "\t" << level; // beaming level
out << "\t" << scaling; // scaling
out << "\t(1)"; // fingering
out << "\tfinger\n";
} else if (strchr(infile[item.line][item.spine], 'b') != NULL) {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin; // hpos
out << "\t" << vpos; // vpos
out << "\t" << offset; // offset
out << "\t" << level; // beaming level
out << "\t" << scaling; // scaling
out << "\t(2)"; // fingering
out << "\tfinger\n";
} else if (strchr(infile[item.line][item.spine], 'c') != NULL) {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin; // hpos
out << "\t" << vpos; // vpos
out << "\t" << offset; // offset
out << "\t" << level; // beaming level
out << "\t" << scaling; // scaling
out << "\t(3)"; // fingering
out << "\tfinger\n";
} else if (strchr(infile[item.line][item.spine], 'd') != NULL) {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin; // hpos
out << "\t" << vpos; // vpos
out << "\t" << offset; // offset
out << "\t" << level; // beaming level
out << "\t" << scaling; // scaling
out << "\t(4)"; // fingering
out << "\tfinger\n";
// adjustwidth -- extend beams if necessary
double adjustwidth(HumdrumFile& infile, StaffItemArray& items, int iline,
int level) {
int nextitem = iline + 1;
while (nextitem < items.getSize() &&
(strcmp(items[nextitem].name, "sha") == 0 ||
strcmp(items[nextitem].name, "augdot") == 0 ||
strncmp(items[nextitem].name, "color", 5) == 0 ||
strcmp(items[nextitem].name, " ") == 0)) {
if(items[iline].grace == 1 && items[nextitem].grace != 1) {
return items[iline].width;
// end of the line, so don't extend beam
if (nextitem >= items.getSize()) {
return items[iline].width;
// some unknown object or a barline
if (strlen(items[nextitem].name) != 1) {
return items[iline].width;
// if at a beat boundary, do not extend beam
int boundary = endOfBeat2(infile, items[iline].line);
if (boundary) {
return items[iline].width;
// now at a point where the beams continues to part of same beat.
// decide to continue or not
int nextbeamlevel = items[nextitem].beams;
if (level > nextbeamlevel) {
return items[iline].width;
int i;
double returnwidth = items[iline].width;
for (i=iline + 1; i<nextitem; i++) {
returnwidth += items[i].width;
return returnwidth;
// printTechniques --
void printTechniques(SSTREAM& out, StaffItem& item, double vpos,
HumdrumFile& infile) {
char buffer[128] = {0};
infile[item.line].getToken(buffer, item.spine, 0);
int sharpcount = getSharpCount(buffer);
double hposbase = item.hpos + lmargin + item.width / 2.0;
double vposbase = vpos + item.height + 1.0 * scaling;
if (item.chord) {
vposbase = vposbase - item.height/2.0;
switch (sharpcount) {
case 3:
out << "\t" << hposbase - getItemWidth("triplesharp", scaling)/2.0;
out << "\t" << vposbase;
out << "\t" << scaling;
out << "\t\t\ttriplesharp\n";
case 2:
out << "\t" << hposbase - getItemWidth("doublesharp", scaling)/2.0;
out << "\t" << vposbase;
out << "\t" << scaling;
out << "\t\t\tdoublesharp\n";
case 1:
out << "\t" << hposbase - getItemWidth("sharp", scaling)/2.0;
out << "\t" << vposbase;
out << "\t" << scaling;
out << "\t\t\tsharp\n";
if (strchr(buffer, 'o') != NULL) {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin + item.width / 2.0 -
getItemWidth("oshi", scaling)/2.0;
out << "\t" << vpos + getItemHeight(item.name, scaling)+1.0 * scaling;
out << "\t" << scaling;
out << "\t\t\toshi\n";
} else if (strchr(buffer, 'r') != NULL) {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin + item.width / 2.0 -
getItemWidth("oshith", scaling)/2.0;
out << "\t" << vpos + getItemHeight(item.name, scaling)+1.0 * scaling;
out << "\t" << scaling;
out << "\t\t\toshith\n";
} else if (strchr(buffer, 'i') != NULL) {
out << "\t" << item.hpos + lmargin + item.width / 2.0 -
getItemWidth("hiki", scaling)/2.0;
out << "\t" << vpos + getItemHeight(item.name, scaling)+1.0 * scaling;
out << "\t" << scaling;
out << "\t\t\thiki\n";
} else if (strchr(buffer, 'v') != NULL) {
out << "%\t" << item.hpos + lmargin + item.width / 2.0 -
getItemWidth("vrepeat", scaling)/2.0;
out << "\t" << vpos + getItemHeight(item.name, scaling)+1.0 * scaling;
out << "\t" << scaling;
out << "\t\t\tvrepeat\n";
// getSharpCount -- count the number of sharps in the string
int getSharpCount(const char* string) {
int length = strlen(string);
int i;
int count = 0;
for (i=0; i<length; i++) {
if (string[i] == '#') {
return count;
// getBeamCount --
int getBeamCount(const char* string) {
int length = strlen(string);
int i;
int count = 0;
for (i=0; i<length; i++) {
if (string[i] == '|') {
return count;
// calculatePageInformation -- assign page, system and positions to data.
void calculatePageInformation(HumdrumFile& infile,
Array<StaffItemArray>& systems) {
int i = 0;
StaffItemArray temparray;
int staff = 0;
while (i < infile.getNumLines()) {
if (staff == 0) {
i = fillSystem(infile, i, temparray, indentfirst);
} else {
i = fillSystem(infile, i, temparray, 0.0);
if (temparray.getSize() > 3) {
// printSystemInformation(systems);
// printSystemInformation --
void printSystemInformation(Array& systems) {
int i, j;
for (i=0; i<systems.getSize(); i++) {
for (j=0; j<systems[i].getSize(); j++) {
cout << "SYSTEM " << i << "\t";
cout << systems[i][j].name;
cout << "\thpos = " << systems[i][j].hpos << endl;
// fillSystem -- position data on staff line
int fillSystem(HumdrumFile& infile, int start, StaffItemArray& sarray,
double indent) {
double totalwidth = indent;
double targetwidth = pagewidth - lmargin - rmargin;
StaffItem textitem;
StaffItem shaitem;
StaffItem spaceitem;
spaceitem.hpos = -1;
strcpy(spaceitem.name, " ");
spaceitem.width = 0;
// add the starting system staff
StaffItem tempitem;
if (indent > 0.0) {
tempitem.hpos = 0;
strcpy(tempitem.name, "indent");
tempitem.width = indent;
tempitem.hpos = indent;
int measureno = 0;
int count = 0;
if (indent == 0.0 && measurenumQ) {
count = sscanf (infile[start][0], "=%d", &measureno);
if (count == 1) {
sprintf(tempitem.name, "measno=%d", measureno);
tempitem.hpos = indent;
tempitem.width = 0;
strcpy(tempitem.name, "sbar");
tempitem.width = getItemWidth("sbar", scaling);
spaceitem.width = tempitem.width * 1.5;
spaceitem.hpos = totalwidth;
totalwidth += spaceitem.width;
appendSpace(sarray, spaceitem);
double stretchfactor = 1.0;
double lastbpos;
double currentpos;
char notebuffer[128] = {0};
int datafoundQ = 0; // suppress the first barline
int chordQ = 0;
int n;
int lastmeasure = 0; // storage location for previous measure if too far
int lastlastmeasure = 0; // storage location for previous measure if too far
int i = start + 1;
char string = '0';
double duration = 0;
while (i<infile.getNumLines()) {
spaceitem.hpos = -1;
spaceitem.width = 0;
switch (infile[i].getType()) {
case E_humrec_none:
case E_humrec_empty:
case E_humrec_global_comment:
processComment(&infile[i][0][1], textitem, sarray, i,0,totalwidth);
case E_humrec_bibliography:
case E_humrec_data_comment:
processComment(infile[i][0], textitem, sarray, i, 0, totalwidth);
case E_humrec_data_kern_measure:
if (!datafoundQ) {
// add a little space before the barline incase of sixteenth notes
spaceitem.width = 0.5 * getItemWidth("sbar", scaling);
spaceitem.hpos = totalwidth;
totalwidth += spaceitem.width;
appendSpace(sarray, spaceitem);
if (strstr(infile[i][0], "||") != NULL) {
strcpy(tempitem.name, "doublebar");
tempitem.width = getItemWidth("doublebar", scaling);
} else if (strstr(infile[i][0], "==") != NULL) {
strcpy(tempitem.name, "finalbar");
tempitem.width = getItemWidth("fbar", scaling);
} else {
strcpy(tempitem.name, "lbar");
tempitem.width = getItemWidth("lbar", scaling);
tempitem.line = i;
tempitem.spine = 0;
tempitem.hpos = totalwidth;
lastlastmeasure = lastmeasure;
lastlastmeasure = sarray.getSize() - 1;
totalwidth += tempitem.width;
spaceitem.width = 1.5 * getItemWidth("sbar", scaling);
spaceitem.hpos = totalwidth;
appendSpace(sarray, spaceitem);
totalwidth += spaceitem.width;
if (totalwidth>targetwidth) {
goto endofloop;
case E_humrec_interpretation:
// ignore for now, but later handle time signatures, tempo, etc.
case E_humrec_data:
datafoundQ = 1;
if (strchr(infile[i][0], ' ') != NULL) {
chordQ = 1;
} else {
chordQ = 0;
infile[i].getToken(notebuffer, 0, 0);
string = getStringSymbol(notebuffer);
if (string == '.') { // ignore null records
tempitem.name[0] = string;
tempitem.line = i;
tempitem.spine = 0;
tempitem.name[1] = '\0';
tempitem.chord = chordQ;
tempitem.width = getItemWidth(tempitem.name, scaling);
tempitem.height = getItemHeight(tempitem.name, scaling);
if (strchr(notebuffer, 'q') != NULL) {
tempitem.width *= 0.65;
tempitem.grace = 1;
duration = getKotoDuration(notebuffer);
tempitem.beams = getBeamCount(notebuffer);
if (duration >= 0.99) {
spaceitem.hpos = totalwidth;
spaceitem.width = 1.0 * getItemWidth("sbar", scaling);
appendSpace(sarray, spaceitem);
totalwidth += spaceitem.width;
if (strchr(notebuffer, 's') != NULL) {
shaitem.hpos = totalwidth;
shaitem.width = getItemWidth("sha", scaling);
totalwidth += shaitem.width;
strcpy(shaitem.name, "sha");
tempitem.hpos = totalwidth;
// standardize width of a note
totalwidth += tempitem.width;
if (strchr(notebuffer, '.') != NULL) {
int dotcount = countKotoDots(notebuffer);
for (int m=0; m<dotcount; m++) {
tempitem.hpos = totalwidth;
tempitem.width = getItemWidth("augdot", scaling);
totalwidth += tempitem.width;
strcpy(tempitem.name, "augdot");
// white space after beat
spaceitem.hpos = totalwidth;
spaceitem.width = getItemWidth("A", scaling);
appendSpace(sarray, spaceitem);
totalwidth += spaceitem.width;
} else {
if (strchr(notebuffer, 's') != NULL) {
shaitem.hpos = totalwidth;
shaitem.width = getItemWidth("sha", scaling);
totalwidth += shaitem.width;
strcpy(shaitem.name, "sha");
// shorter than one beat
tempitem.hpos = totalwidth;
totalwidth += tempitem.width;
if (duration > 0.45) {
if (strchr(notebuffer, '.') != NULL) {
int dotcount = countKotoDots(notebuffer);
for (int m=0; m<dotcount; m++) {
tempitem.hpos = totalwidth;
tempitem.width = getItemWidth("augdot", scaling);
totalwidth += tempitem.width;
strcpy(tempitem.name, "augdot");
spaceitem.hpos = totalwidth;
spaceitem.width = 0.3 * getItemWidth("A", scaling);
appendSpace(sarray, spaceitem);
totalwidth += spaceitem.width;
// add a little bit of space at the end of the beat
if (endOfBeat(infile, i)) {
spaceitem.hpos = totalwidth;
spaceitem.width = 0.2 * getItemWidth("A", scaling);
appendSpace(sarray, spaceitem);
totalwidth += spaceitem.width;
} else {
if (strchr(notebuffer, '.') != NULL) {
int dotcount = countKotoDots(notebuffer);
for (int m=0; m<dotcount; m++) {
tempitem.hpos = totalwidth;
tempitem.width = getItemWidth("augdot", scaling);
totalwidth += tempitem.width;
strcpy(tempitem.name, "augdot");
totalwidth += 0.0;
if (endOfBeat(infile, i)) {
spaceitem.hpos = totalwidth;
spaceitem.width = 0.3 * getItemWidth("A", scaling);
appendSpace(sarray, spaceitem);
totalwidth += spaceitem.width;
if (justifyQ == 0) {
// debugging code: don't justify
return i;
double spacelength = 0.0;
if (totalwidth>targetwidth) {
// find closest barline to targetwidth
currentpos = totalwidth;
lastbpos = sarray[lastlastmeasure].hpos;
if (fabs(currentpos - targetwidth) < fabs(lastbpos - targetwidth)) {
// current barline is closest to the target length: need to expand
i = sarray[lastlastmeasure].line;
// remove extra blank space after last barline if necessary
if (strcmp(sarray[sarray.getSize() - 1].name, " ") == 0 &&
strstr(sarray[sarray.getSize() - 2].name, "bar") != NULL) {
sarray.setSize(sarray.getSize() - 1);
totalwidth = sarray[sarray.getSize() - 1].hpos +
sarray[sarray.getSize() - 1].width +
getItemWidth("sbar", scaling);
spacelength = 0.0;
for (n=0; n<sarray.getSize(); n++) {
if (sarray[n].name[0] == ' ') {
spacelength += sarray[n].width;
double delta = totalwidth - targetwidth;
stretchfactor = spacelength/(spacelength-delta);
// stretchfactor = 10.0;
totalwidth = 0.0;
for (n=0; n<sarray.getSize(); n++) {
if (sarray[n].name[0] == ' ') {
sarray[n].width *= stretchfactor;
sarray[n].hpos = totalwidth;
totalwidth += sarray[n].width;
} else {
// last barline is closest to the target length, so use it instead
// need to contract
// remove extra blank space after last barline if necessary
if (strcmp(sarray[sarray.getSize() - 1].name, " ") == 0 &&
strstr(sarray[sarray.getSize() - 2].name, "bar") != NULL) {
sarray.setSize(sarray.getSize() - 1);
totalwidth = sarray[sarray.getSize() - 1].hpos +
sarray[sarray.getSize() - 1].width +
getItemWidth("sbar", scaling);
spacelength = 0.0;
for (n=0; n<sarray.getSize(); n++) {
if (sarray[n].name[0] == ' ') {
spacelength += sarray[n].width;
double delta = totalwidth - targetwidth;
if (delta > spacelength) {
stretchfactor = 0.0;
} else {
stretchfactor = (spacelength-delta)/spacelength;
// stretchfactor = 2.0;
totalwidth = 0.0;
for (n=0; n<sarray.getSize(); n++) {
if (sarray[n].name[0] == ' ') {
sarray[n].width *= stretchfactor;
sarray[n].hpos = totalwidth;
totalwidth += sarray[n].width;
// if (strstr(sarray[sarray.getSize() - 1].name, "bar") != NULL) {
// if (strcmp(sarray[sarray.getSize() - 1].name, "doublebar") != 0) {
// strcpy(sarray[sarray.getSize() - 1].name, "rbar");
// }
// }
return i;
// processComment --
void processComment(const char* cstring, StaffItem& textitem,
StaffItemArray& sarray, int line, int spine, double& totalwidth) {
if (strncmp(cstring, "!FT:", 4) == 0) {
int length = strlen(cstring);
if (length >= 5) {
int font = cstring[4];
font = toupper(font);
if (font != 'T' && font != 'H' && font != 'C') {
// unknown font, do nothing
} else {
textfont = font;
if (length >= 6) {
int face = cstring[5];
face = toupper(face);
if (face != 'R' && face != 'I' && face != 'B') {
// unknown font, do nothing
} else {
textface = face;
if (length > 6) {
int just = cstring[length-1];
just = toupper(just);
if (just != 'L' && just != 'R' && just != 'C') {
// unknown font, do nothing
} else {
textjustify = just;
if (length > 6 && isdigit(cstring[6])) {
double fsize = 0.0;
int count = sscanf(&cstring[6], "%lf", &fsize);
if (count == 1) {
textsize = fsize;
} else if (strncmp(cstring, "!TA:", 4) == 0) {
strcpy(textitem.name, "textabove");
textitem.width = 0;
textitem.hpos = totalwidth;
textitem.line = line;
textitem.spine = spine;
textitem.textfont = textfont;
textitem.textsize = textsize;
textitem.textface = textface;
textitem.textjustify = textjustify;
} else if (strncmp(cstring, "!TB:", 4) == 0) {
strcpy(textitem.name, "textbelow");
textitem.width = 0;
textitem.hpos = totalwidth;
textitem.line = line;
textitem.spine = spine;
textitem.textfont = textfont;
textitem.textsize = textsize;
textitem.textface = textface;
textitem.textjustify = textjustify;
} else if (strncmp(cstring, "!CLR:", 5) == 0) {
processColor(&cstring[5], sarray, totalwidth);
// processColor --
void processColor(const char* cstring, StaffItemArray& sarray, double hpos) {
int red = 0;
int green = 0;
int blue = 0;
int length = strlen(cstring);
char *Cstring = new char[length + 1];
strcpy(Cstring, cstring);
int i;
for (i=0; i<length; i++) {
Cstring[i] = toupper(Cstring[i]);
if (strcmp(Cstring, "RED") == 0) {
red = 255; green = 0; blue = 0;
} else if (strcmp(Cstring, "BLUE") == 0) {
red = 0; green = 0; blue = 255;
} else if (strcmp(Cstring, "GREEN") == 0) {
red = 0; green = 255; blue = 0;
} else if (strcmp(Cstring, "BLACK") == 0) {
red = 0; green = 0; blue = 0;
} else if (strcmp(Cstring, "WHITE") == 0) {
red = 255; green = 255; blue = 255;
} else if (strcmp(Cstring, "PURPLE") == 0) {
red = 128; green = 0; blue = 128;
} else if (length == 6) {
int allhex = 1;
for (i=0; i<length; i++) {
if (!isxdigit(Cstring[i])) {
allhex = 0;
if (allhex) {
blue = strtol(&Cstring[4], NULL, 16);
Cstring[4] = '\0';
green = strtol(&Cstring[2], NULL, 16);
Cstring[2] = '\0';
red = strtol(Cstring, NULL, 16);
char colorstring[7] = {0};
colorstring[0] = hexdigit(red, 1);
colorstring[1] = hexdigit(red, 0);
colorstring[2] = hexdigit(green, 1);
colorstring[3] = hexdigit(green, 0);
colorstring[4] = hexdigit(blue, 1);
colorstring[5] = hexdigit(blue, 0);
StaffItem coloritem;
coloritem.width = 0;
coloritem.hpos = hpos;
strcpy(coloritem.name, "color=");
strcat(coloritem.name, colorstring);
delete [] Cstring;
// hexdigit --
char hexdigit(int number, int digit) {
if (number > 255) { number = 255; }
if (number < 0) { number = 0; }
int value;
if (digit == 1) {
value = number / 16;
} else {
value = number % 16;
if (value < 10) {
return '0' + value;
} else if (value < 16) {
return 'A' + value - 10;
return 0;
// endOfBeat -- returns true if the next note or rest is in a
// different beat.
int endOfBeat(HumdrumFile& infile, int line) {
int beat = (int)infile[line].getBeat();
int newbeat = 0;
int i = line+1;
while (i < infile.getNumLines()) {
if (infile[i].getType() == E_humrec_data) {
newbeat = (int)infile[i].getBeat();
if (newbeat == beat) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
} else if (infile[i].getType() == E_humrec_data_kern_measure) {
return 0; // end of beat, but the barline will add its own spacer
return 1;
// endOfBeat2 -- returns true if the next note or rest is in a
// different beat. Used for beaming.
int endOfBeat2(HumdrumFile& infile, int line) {
int beat = (int)infile[line].getBeat();
int newbeat = 0;
int i = line+1;
while (i < infile.getNumLines()) {
if (infile[i].getType() == E_humrec_data) {
newbeat = (int)infile[i].getBeat();
if (newbeat == beat) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
} else if (infile[i].getType() == E_humrec_data_kern_measure) {
return 1; // end of beat, but the barline will add its own spacer
return 1;
// appendSpace -- add space to end of array. If last item in array
// contains a space, then add with to existing space.
void appendSpace(StaffItemArray& sarray, StaffItem& spaceitem) {
int endp = sarray.getSize() - 1;
if (strcmp(sarray[endp].name, " ") == 0) {
sarray[endp].width += spaceitem.width;
} else if (sarray.getSize() > 2
&& strncmp(sarray[endp].name, "color=", 6) == 0
&& strcmp(sarray[endp-1].name, " ") == 0) {
sarray[endp-1].width += spaceitem.width;
} else {
// countKotoDots --
int countKotoDots(const char* kstring) {
int length = strlen(kstring);
int count = 0;
int i = 0;
for (i=0; i<length; i++) {
if (kstring[i] == '.') {
return count;
// getKotoDuration --
double getKotoDuration(const char* kstring) {
int bars = 0;
int dots = 0;
int i;
int length = strlen(kstring);
for (i=0; i<length; i++) {
if (kstring[i] == '|') {
} else if (kstring[i] == '.') {
double duration = 1.0;
for (i=0; i<bars; i++) {
duration *= 0.5;
double dotadd = 0.0;
for (i=0; i<dots; i++) {
dotadd += duration * pow(2.0, -(i+1));
return duration + dotadd;
// getStringSymbol --
char getStringSymbol(const char* string) {
if (strchr(string, '0') != NULL) { return '0'; }
if (strchr(string, '1') != NULL) { return '1'; }
if (strchr(string, '2') != NULL) { return '2'; }
if (strchr(string, '3') != NULL) { return '3'; }
if (strchr(string, '4') != NULL) { return '4'; }
if (strchr(string, '5') != NULL) { return '5'; }
if (strchr(string, '6') != NULL) { return '6'; }
if (strchr(string, '7') != NULL) { return '7'; }
if (strchr(string, '8') != NULL) { return '8'; }
if (strchr(string, '9') != NULL) { return '9'; }
if (strchr(string, 'A') != NULL) { return 'A'; }
if (strchr(string, 'B') != NULL) { return 'B'; }
if (strchr(string, 'C') != NULL) { return 'C'; }
if (strchr(string, 'D') != NULL) { return 'D'; }
if (strchr(string, '-') != NULL) { return '-'; }
if (strchr(string, '.') != NULL) { return '.'; }
if (strchr(string, 'W') != NULL) { return 'W'; }
if (strchr(string, 'Z') != NULL) { return 'Z'; }
if (strchr(string, 'z') != NULL) { return 'z'; }
cout << "Error: Unknown string character in " << string << endl;
// example -- example usage of the koto2eps program
void example(void) {
cout <<
" \n"
<< endl;
// usage -- gives the usage statement for the koto2eps program
void usage(const char* command) {
cout <<
" \n"
<< endl;
// storeEpsHeader --
void storeEpsHeader(SSTREAM& out, int pagecount) {
out <<
"%!PS-Adobe-3.0 \n"
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"%%CreationDate: Thu Dec 27 19:43:14 2001 \n"
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"%%Pages: " << pagecount << " \n"
"%%DocumentMedia: Letter 612 792 0 () () \n"
"%%DocumentNeededResources: (atend) \n"
"%%EndComments \n"
"%%BeginProlog \n"
" /bdef { bind def } bind def /ldef { load def } bdef \n"
" /m /moveto ldef \n"
" /l /lineto ldef \n"
" /C /curveto ldef \n"
" /f /fill ldef \n"
" /s /stroke ldef \n"
" /w /setlinewidth ldef \n"
" /gs /gsave ldef \n"
" /gr /grestore ldef \n"
" /cl /closepath ldef \n"
"% \n"
"% Procedures. \n"
"% \n\n"
out << "%%EndProlog \n";
// storePageStart --
void storePageStart(SSTREAM& out, int pagenum) {
out <<
" \n\n"
"%%Page: " << pagenum << " \n"
"%%BeginPageSetup \n"
"%%EndPageSetup \n"
if (debugQ) {
// storeEpsFooter --
void storeEpsFooter(SSTREAM& out) {
out <<
// getItemWidth -- get the width of a staff item in PostScript points.
// getItemHeight -- get the height of a staff item in PostScript points.
/* Nominal sizes of various symbols: symbol height width
0 12.80 9.1375
1 12.5625 5.8
2 12.9375 9.3
3 13.0 9.7125
4 12.625 9.675
5 12.5 9.5625
6 12.5 9.375
7 12.5 8.75
8 13.0375 9.5
9 12.8125 9.375
A 12.875 12.4375
B 12.75 10.875
C 13.0625 12.125
D 12.78 11.765
W 15.225 13.80625
Z 12.80 9.1375
z 12.80 9.1375
augdot 4.0 4.0
sharp 3.125 6.25
doublesharp 3.125 6.25
triplesharp 6.25 6.25
oshi 3.125 6.25
oshith 3.125 9.375
hiki 3.125 6.25
sha 12.5 1.25
sbar 16.25 4.0
fbar 16.25 4.0
bar 16.25 0.5
letter 792.0 612.0
ledger 1224.0 792.0
legal 1008.0 612.0
a4 841.89 595.276
a3 1190.55 841.89
b4 1000.63 708.66
double getItemWidth(const char* name, double scaling) {
if (strcmp(name, "0") == 0) { return 12.5 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "1") == 0) { return 5.8 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "2") == 0) { return 9.3 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "3") == 0) { return 9.7125* scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "4") == 0) { return 9.675 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "5") == 0) { return 9.5625* scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "6") == 0) { return 9.375 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "7") == 0) { return 8.75 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "8") == 0) { return 9.5 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "9") == 0) { return 9.375 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "A") == 0) { return 12.4375* scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "B") == 0) { return 10.875 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "C") == 0) { return 12.125 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "D") == 0) { return 11.765 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "W") == 0) { return 15.225 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "Z") == 0) { return 12.5 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "z") == 0) { return 12.5 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "-") == 0) { return 9.375 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "augdot") == 0) { return 4.0 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "hiki") == 0) { return 6.25 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "sharp") == 0) { return 6.25 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "doublesharp") == 0) { return 6.25 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "triplesharp") == 0) { return 6.25 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "oshi") == 0) { return 6.25 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "oshith") == 0) { return 9.375 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "sha") == 0) { return 1.375 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "vrepeat") == 0) { return 0.5 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "lbar") == 0) { return 0.5 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "rbar") == 0) { return 0.5 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "cbar") == 0) { return 0.5 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "sbar") == 0) { return 4.0 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "fbar") == 0) { return 4.0 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "doublebar") == 0) { return 2.0 * scaling; }
cout << "Error: unknown symbol: " << name << endl;
double getItemHeight(const char* name, double scaling) {
if (strcmp(name, "0") == 0) { return 12.5 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "1") == 0) { return 12.5625* scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "2") == 0) { return 12.9375* scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "3") == 0) { return 13.0 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "4") == 0) { return 12.625 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "5") == 0) { return 12.5 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "6") == 0) { return 12.5 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "7") == 0) { return 12.5 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "8") == 0) { return 13.0375* scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "9") == 0) { return 12.8125* scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "A") == 0) { return 12.875 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "B") == 0) { return 12.75 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "C") == 0) { return 13.0625* scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "D") == 0) { return 12.78 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "W") == 0) { return 13.80625 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "Z") == 0) { return 12.5 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "z") == 0) { return 12.5 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "-") == 0) { return 13.25 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "augdot") == 0) { return 4.0 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "hiki") == 0) { return 3.125 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "sharp") == 0) { return 3.125 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "doublesharp") == 0) { return 3.125 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "triplesharp") == 0) { return 6.25 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "oshi") == 0) { return 3.125 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "oshith") == 0) { return 3.125 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "sha") == 0) { return 1.25 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "rbar") == 0) { return 16.25 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "cbar") == 0) { return 16.25 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "sbar") == 0) { return 16.25 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "fbar") == 0) { return 16.25 * scaling; }
if (strcmp(name, "doublebar") == 0) { return 16.25 * scaling; }
cout << "Error: unknown symbol: " << name << endl;
// storeSymbols --
void storeSymbols(SSTREAM& out) {
out << " /pagewidth " << pagewidth << " def \n";
out << " /pageheight " << pageheight << " def \n";
out << " /lmargin " << lmargin << " def \n";
out << " /rmargin " << rmargin << " def \n";
out << " /tmargin " << tmargin << " def \n";
out << " /bmargin " << bmargin << " def \n\n";
out <<
"%% shape definitions \n"
"/symbolscale 0.125 def\n"
"% dash\n"
"%BBOX: 0 47 75 53\n"
" /dashheight 53 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /dashwidth 75 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /dashleft 0 def\n"
" /dashbelow 0 def\n"
" /dashshape {\n"
" 0 47 m\n"
" 75 47 l\n"
" 75 53 l\n"
" 0 53 l\n"
" 0 47 l\n"
" cl f s\n"
" } def\n"
"% string 0 -- old version: the numeral 0.\n"
"%BBOX: 0.0 -2.5 73.1 102.4\n"
"% /string0height 102.4 symbolscale mul def\n"
"% /string0width 73.1 symbolscale mul def\n"
"% /string0left 0 def\n"
"% /string0below -2.5 symbolscale mul def\n"
"% /string0shape {\n"
"% % outside of 0\n"
"% 1.18 63.42 m\n"
"% -1.08 59.38 0.6 50.62 0.6 46 C\n"
"% 0.6 31.96 2.94 16.8 13.18 6.58 C\n"
"% 28.04 -8.3 54.04 -3.8 63.6 14 C\n"
"% 74.74 34.74 76.66 61.94 67.26 84 C\n"
"% 60.78 99.26 32.06 108.32 18.76 97.8 C\n"
"% 13.12 93.32 3.76 80.98 2.6 74 C\n"
"% 1.94 70.04 3.2 67.06 1.18 63.42 C\n"
"% cl\n"
"% % inside of 0 \n"
"% 21.18 65.42 m\n"
"% 19.58 62.54 20.6 57.24 20.6 54 C\n"
"% 20.6 41.66 20.14 28.82 27.18 18.28 C\n"
"% 30.6 13.14 44.94 14.8 47.1 20 C\n"
"% 53.4 35.14 55.58 55.72 50.94 72 C\n"
"% 47.8 82.94 37.14 89.5 27.02 81.42 C\n"
"% 23.02 78.22 23.44 69.52 21.18 65.42 C\n"
"% cl \n"
"% } def\n"
"% Zuu (left pointing arrow on top of rest)\n"
"%BBOX: 0.0 0 75 100\n"
" /Zuheight 100 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /Zuwidth 100 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /Zuleft 0 def\n"
" /Zubelow 0 def\n"
" /Zushape {\n"
" % outside of Zu\n"
" 50.0 50 50.0 0 360 arc\n"
" cl\n"
" % inside of Zu \n"
" 50.0 50 36.0 0 360 arc\n"
" cl \n"
" } def\n"
"% zuu (right pointing arrow on top of rest)\n"
"%BBOX: 0.0 0 75 100\n"
" /zuheight 100 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /zuwidth 100 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /zuleft 0 def\n"
" /zubelow 0 def\n"
" /zushape {\n"
" % outside of zu\n"
" 50.0 50 50.0 0 360 arc\n"
" cl\n"
" % inside of zu \n"
" 50.0 50 36.0 0 360 arc\n"
" cl \n"
" } def\n"
"% string 0\n"
"%BBOX: 0.0 0 75 100\n"
" /string0height 100 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string0width 100 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string0left 0 def\n"
" /string0below 0 def\n"
" /string0shape {\n"
" % outside of 0\n"
" 50.0 50 50.0 0 360 arc\n"
" cl\n"
" % inside of 0 \n"
" 50.0 50 36.0 0 360 arc\n"
" cl \n"
" } def\n"
"% string 1\n"
"%BBOX: 0.0 -0.4 46.4 100.5\n"
" /string1height 100.5 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string1width 46.4 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string1left 0 def\n"
" /string1below -0.4 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string1shape {\n"
" 45.82 99.42 m\n"
" 43.2 100.48 33.2 101.32 30.82 99.42 C\n"
" 28.26 97.36 29.34 93.02 26.4 90.66 C\n"
" 22.02 87.16 16.46 85.48 11.82 82.58 C\n"
" 9.1 80.86 1.1 84.18 0.4 80 C\n"
" 0 77.64 -0.76 68.3 0.98 66.58 C\n"
" 5.84 61.7 26.4 72 26.4 62 C\n"
" 26.4 4 l\n"
" 26.4 -2.38 35.68 0 40.4 0 C\n"
" 41.82 0 44.68 -0.58 45.82 0.58 C\n"
" 46.64 1.4 46.4 3.08 46.4 4 C\n"
" 46.4 96 l\n"
" 46.4 98.52 46.64 97.38 45.82 99.42 C\n"
" cl\n"
" } def\n"
"% string 2\n"
"%BBOX: 0.0 0 74.4 103.5\n"
" /string2height 103.5 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string2width 74.4 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string2left 0 def\n"
" /string2below 0 def\n"
" /string2shape {\n"
" 45.82 101.42 m\n"
" 28.38 108.4 12.76 95.04 6.5 80 C\n"
" 4.92 76.2 -1.22 66.76 2.98 62.58 C\n"
" 4.56 60.98 20.24 60.98 21.82 62.58 C\n"
" 24.76 65.5 21.52 73.74 24.78 77.8 C\n"
" 34.14 89.52 53.14 83.4 52.4 68 C\n"
" 51.98 59.06 43.4 53.3 36.4 49 C\n"
" 25.48 42.3 13.12 33.3 6.6 21.86 C\n"
" 4.26 17.78 -5.62 0 4.4 0 C\n"
" 68.4 0 l\n"
" 74.6 0 74.1 17.38 70.4 18 C\n"
" 59.74 19.78 47.22 18 36.4 18 C\n"
" 34.16 18 26.46 16.1 26.4 18 C\n"
" 26.2 23.4 40.66 29.74 44.4 32.28 C\n"
" 59.22 42.34 87.56 70.4 66.74 89.34 C\n"
" 63.96 91.86 60.78 95.28 57.82 97.42 C\n"
" 54.62 99.78 49.16 98.92 45.82 101.42 C\n"
" cl\n"
" } def\n"
"% string 3\n"
"%BBOX: 0.0 -2.5 77.7 104\n"
" /string3height 104 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string3width 77.7 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string3left 0 def\n"
" /string3below -2.5 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string3shape {\n"
" 48.42 101.42 m\n"
" 36.34 108.14 15.68 98.86 10 88 C\n"
" 9.1 86.28 0.16 70.12 3.58 69.14 C\n"
" 8.28 67.8 15.74 67.12 21 68 C\n"
" 24.56 68.6 22.48 75.4 24 78 C\n"
" 25.5 80.56 32.9 83.9 35.58 85.42 C\n"
" 36.66 86.06 37.84 84 39 84 C\n"
" 46.92 84 58.72 77.52 52 66 C\n"
" 48.88 60.66 37.98 62.32 33 60.34 C\n"
" 31.48 59.72 31 49.6 31 48 C\n"
" 31 44.32 42.5 46.34 45 45.72 C\n"
" 54.14 43.42 56.7 31.96 54.72 24 C\n"
" 52.76 16.18 32.78 11.52 27.66 18 C\n"
" 25.8 20.38 20.12 33.82 19 34 C\n"
" 16.12 34.48 3.62 35.48 1.58 33.42 C\n"
" -3.5 28.36 5.08 11.76 9.28 8.58 C\n"
" 28.48 -6.06 60.04 -7.94 72 16 C\n"
" 73.18 18.36 76.6 21.54 77 24 C\n"
" 78.2 31.24 77.84 42.12 72.72 47.8 C\n"
" 70.92 49.8 62.14 53.02 62.14 55.72 C\n"
" 62.14 59.52 72.24 65.38 73 70 C\n"
" 76.18 89.06 61.66 94.08 48.42 101.42 C\n"
" cl\n"
" } def\n"
"% string 4\n"
"%BBOX: 0.0 -0.5 77.4 101\n"
" /string4height 101 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string4width 77.4 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string4left 0 def\n"
" /string4below -0.5 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string4shape {\n"
" % the outer part of the 4\n"
" 61.92 99.42 m\n"
" 59.2 100.52 45.28 101.64 43.08 99.42 C\n"
" 38.4 94.76 34.44 85.64 30.22 80 C\n"
" 18.14 63.88 -3.1 47.6 0.5 26 C\n"
" 1.06 22.58 8 24 10.5 24 C\n"
" 18.5 24 26.5 24 34.5 24 C\n"
" 36.28 24 40.54 24.82 41.92 23.42 C\n"
" 46.46 18.9 38.54 5.1 43.08 0.58 C\n"
" 44.46 -0.82 48.72 0 50.5 0 C\n"
" 52.94 0 60.12 -1.24 61.92 0.58 C\n"
" 66.46 5.1 58.54 18.9 63.08 23.42 C\n"
" 65.78 26.14 75.66 21.02 76.5 26 C\n"
" 76.94 28.62 77.82 39.54 75.92 41.42 C\n"
" 71.48 45.86 62.5 36.42 62.5 44 C\n"
" 62.5 96 l\n"
" 62.5 98.52 62.74 97.38 61.92 99.42 C\n"
" cl\n"
" %inside of 4\n"
" 42.22 72.86 m\n"
" 41.68 72.86 38.86 68.42 38.5 68 C\n"
" 34.14 62.92 30.22 57.36 26.22 52 C\n"
" 24.96 50.32 15.12 40 18.5 40 C\n"
" 22.54 40 27.74 42 32.5 42 C\n"
" 35.68 42 39.68 38.32 41.92 40.58 C\n"
" 44.56 43.2 42.5 56.28 42.5 60 C\n"
" 42.5 61.12 42.74 72.86 42.22 72.86 C\n"
" cl\n"
" } def\n"
"% string 5\n"
"%BBOX: 0.0 -2.8 76.5 100\n"
" /string5height 100 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string5width 76.5 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string5left 0 def\n"
" /string5below -2.8 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string5shape {\n"
" 68.42 99.42 m\n"
" 66.38 100.24 67.52 100 65 100 C\n"
" 17 100 l\n"
" 11.34 100 13.06 94.36 12.34 90 C\n"
" 10.56 79.32 8.68 68.62 6.6 58 C\n"
" 6.08 55.3 1.42 46.72 3.58 44.58 C\n"
" 10.4 37.74 24.64 48.14 29.58 51.42 C\n"
" 40.68 58.84 53.4 45.6 55 36 C\n"
" 56.92 24.48 42.96 9.36 31 15.34 C\n"
" 24.1 18.78 24.78 25.08 20.42 29.42 C\n"
" 18.84 31.02 3.16 31.02 1.58 29.42 C\n"
" -3.64 24.22 4.2 13.04 8 10 C\n"
" 19.32 0.94 34.32 -5.52 49 -1.34 C\n"
" 68.16 4.14 85 36.08 70.8 53.8 C\n"
" 63.38 63.08 52.16 68 41 68 C\n"
" 37.18 68 34.46 67.72 31 66 C\n"
" 30.36 65.68 26.02 62.14 25.58 62.58 C\n"
" 24.18 63.96 24.7 70.18 25 72 C\n"
" 25.28 73.66 26.74 82.58 27.58 83.42 C\n"
" 29.18 85.04 34.88 84 37 84 C\n"
" 45 84 53 84 61 84 C\n"
" 62.78 84 67.04 83.18 68.42 84.58 C\n"
" 70.38 86.52 69.36 97.08 68.42 99.42 C\n"
" cl\n"
" } def\n"
"% string 6\n"
"%BBOX: 0.0 -2 75 104\n"
" /string6height 104 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string6width 75 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string6left 0 def\n"
" /string6below -2 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string6shape {\n"
" % outside of 6\n"
" 48.42 101.42 m\n"
" 32.12 110.48 14.18 93 8 80 C\n"
" -0.06 63.1 -6.26 25.44 10.6 10.8 C\n"
" 30.42 -6.4 57.48 -8.28 70 18 C\n"
" 71.66 21.5 75 26.24 75 30 C\n"
" 75 46.94 68.58 64.74 49 68 C\n"
" 42.56 69.08 34.6 68.36 29 65 C\n"
" 27.48 64.08 21.74 55.5 21 60 C\n"
" 18.6 74.4 31.08 88.08 45 86 C\n"
" 49.78 85.28 50.46 78.98 53.28 76 C\n"
" 55.94 73.22 56.52 79.02 58.42 77.42 C\n"
" 58.42 77.42 59.58 74.58 59.58 74.58 C\n"
" 60.7 73.46 71.16 73.56 72.34 74.58 C\n"
" 73.56 75.62 71.88 80.66 71.66 82 C\n"
" 69.7 93.84 57 96.68 48.42 101.42 C\n"
" cl\n"
" % inside of 6 \n"
" 31.58 16.58 m\n"
" 42.7 10.4 53.32 21.9 55 32 C\n"
" 56.56 41.32 51.24 46.9 44.42 51.42 C\n"
" 35.68 57.26 28.78 48.22 25.66 42 C\n"
" 21.42 33.5 21.92 21.94 31.58 16.58 C\n"
" cl\n"
" } def\n"
"% string 7\n"
"%BBOX: 0.0 -1 70 100\n"
" /string7height 100 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string7width 70 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string7left 0 def\n"
" /string7below -1 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string7shape {\n"
" 67.92 99.42 m\n"
" 65.88 100.24 67.02 100 64.5 100 C\n"
" 4.5 100 l\n"
" -1.7 100 -1.2 82.62 2.5 82 C\n"
" 13.16 80.22 25.68 82 36.5 82 C\n"
" 38.2 82 46.82 83.06 47.64 81.42 C\n"
" 49.4 77.94 38.72 66.84 36.8 64.04 C\n"
" 27.14 49.96 23.6 33.6 17.7 18 C\n"
" 16.34 14.42 11.46 4.18 15.08 0.58 C\n"
" 16.74 -1.1 34.26 -1.1 35.92 0.58 C\n"
" 37.32 1.96 36.5 6.22 36.5 8 C\n"
" 36.5 15.04 37.92 21.14 39.3 28 C\n"
" 41.9 41 47.26 55.06 54.82 66.06 C\n"
" 62.2 76.8 73.92 84.46 67.92 99.42 C\n"
" cl \n"
" } def\n"
"% string 8\n"
"%BBOX: 0.0 -1.5 76 104.3\n"
" /string8height 104.3 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string8width 76 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string8left 0 def\n"
" /string8below -1.5 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string8shape {\n"
" % outside of 8\n"
" 39.42 103.42 m\n"
" 36.78 104.9 32.76 103.36 30 102.8 C\n"
" 19.12 100.62 6 92.04 4 80 C\n"
" 3.08 74.46 3.36 64.34 8.28 60.58 C\n"
" 9.9 59.34 16.86 58.3 16.86 55.72 C\n"
" 16.86 54.18 8.7 50.12 7.34 48 C\n"
" -1.72 33.92 -4.66 16.3 12.12 6.06 C\n"
" 38.9 -10.32 78.64 -0.88 76 36 C\n"
" 75.54 42.32 71.16 46.9 66 49.9 C\n"
" 64.9 50.54 59.14 52.52 59.14 54 C\n"
" 59.14 55.02 62.54 56.84 63.2 57.6 C\n"
" 66.08 60.92 71.3 67.74 72 72 C\n"
" 74.32 85.88 61.36 99.78 48 102 C\n"
" 44.62 102.56 42.52 101.7 39.42 103.42 C\n"
" cl\n"
" % bottom inside of 8 \n"
" 30.58 14.58 m\n"
" 40.66 8.96 54.28 17.68 56 28 C\n"
" 57.44 36.64 51.58 41.32 45.42 45.42 C\n"
" 35.52 52.04 21.64 41.82 20 32 C\n"
" 18.82 24.96 25 17.68 30.58 14.58 C\n"
" cl\n"
" % top inside of 8\n"
" 41.42 87.34 m\n"
" 31.48 91.58 21.32 78.94 22.28 70 C\n"
" 22.74 65.8 29.46 62.64 32.58 60.58 C\n"
" 41.06 54.92 53.68 65.5 53.86 74 C\n"
" 54.04 82.5 47.56 84.72 41.42 87.34 C\n"
" cl\n"
" } def\n"
" \n"
"% string 9\n"
"%BBOX: 0.0 -2.4 75 102.5\n"
" /string9height 102.5 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string9width 75 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string9left 0 def\n"
" /string9below -2.4 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string9shape {\n"
" % outside of 9\n"
" 45.42 101.42 m\n"
" 42.54 103.02 37.24 102 34 102 C\n"
" 9.06 102 -6.26 72.4 2.14 50 C\n"
" 6.94 37.24 30.22 29.9 42 33.6 C\n"
" 44.38 34.34 47.9 36.28 49.42 38.28 C\n"
" 49.98 39 51.5 45.04 53.42 43.42 C\n"
" 55.36 41.82 53.92 34.06 53.34 32 C\n"
" 50.66 22.66 40 7.48 28.2 14.58 C\n"
" 24.92 16.54 22.26 25.62 20 26 C\n"
" 17.38 26.44 4.34 27.42 2.66 25.42 C\n"
" -0.28 21.9 5.84 10.74 8.28 8.28 C\n"
" 28.16 -11.58 57.94 -1.92 67.9 22 C\n"
" 75.38 39.92 79.34 71.14 65.82 87.78 C\n"
" 60.66 94.12 51.86 97.86 45.42 101.42 C\n"
" cl\n"
" % inside of 9 \n"
" 39.42 85.42 m\n"
" 30.18 90.56 26.62 79.42 23 74 C\n"
" 16.54 64.32 21.68 54.98 30.58 48.58 C\n"
" 39.22 42.34 50.72 54.34 52 62 C\n"
" 53.92 73.48 48.94 80.14 39.42 85.42 C\n"
" cl \n"
" } def\n"
"% string 10\n"
"%BBOX: 0.0 -1 99.5 103\n"
" /string10height 103 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string10width 99.5 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string10left 0 def\n"
" /string10below -1 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string10shape {\n"
" % outside of A\n"
" 60.92 101.42 m\n"
" 58.26 102.92 40.28 103.64 38.08 101.42 C\n"
" 35.6 98.96 34.24 87.86 32.5 84 C\n"
" 24.66 66.68 18.56 47.92 12.16 30 C\n"
" 9.54 22.62 6.6 15.24 3.6 8 C\n"
" 3.3 7.3 0 0.66 0.08 0.58 C\n"
" 1.68 -1.04 7.38 0 9.5 0 C\n"
" 13.08 0 22.28 -1.76 24.16 2 C\n"
" 25.94 5.54 28.62 23.52 31.5 24 C\n"
" 40.28 25.46 50.58 24 59.5 24 C\n"
" 61.96 24 67.04 24.98 69.12 23.42 C\n"
" 75.16 18.9 71.64 5 76.08 0.58 C\n"
" 78.46 -1.82 94.08 -0.56 97.5 0 C\n"
" 101.68 0.7 98.32 7.78 97.4 10 C\n"
" 93.58 19.18 89.98 28.56 86.84 38 C\n"
" 81.66 53.52 74.68 68.46 69.5 84 C\n"
" 67.84 88.98 65.84 98.7 60.92 101.42 C\n"
" cl\n"
" %inside of A \n"
" 51.22 76.86 m\n"
" 50.22 76.86 49.08 72.66 48.84 72 C\n"
" 46.68 65.98 44.18 60.04 42.16 54 C\n"
" 41.26 51.28 35.72 40 37.5 40 C\n"
" 42.12 40 48.12 42 53.5 42 C\n"
" 55.28 42 62.02 39.56 62.92 40.58 C\n"
" 65.32 43.22 57.88 58.94 56.5 62 C\n"
" 55.24 64.8 51.96 69.2 51.5 72 C\n"
" 51.44 72.36 51.82 76.86 51.22 76.86 C\n"
" cl \n"
" } def\n"
"% string 11\n"
"%BBOX: 0.0 0 87 102\n"
" /string11height 102 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string11width 87 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string11left 0 def\n"
" /string11below 0 def\n"
" /string11shape {\n"
" % outside of B\n"
" 61.42 101.42 m\n"
" 59.38 102.24 60.52 102 58 102 C\n"
" 4 102 l\n"
" 0.66 102 0 101.34 0 98 C\n"
" 0 4 l\n"
" 0 0.66 0.66 0 4 0 C\n"
" 56 0 l\n"
" 75.5 0 93.18 22.9 85 42 C\n"
" 82.66 47.46 79.18 50.28 74 53 C\n"
" 73.14 53.44 69.14 54.68 69.14 56 C\n"
" 69.14 58.08 79.76 68.06 81.42 70.58 C\n"
" 82.7 72.46 82 75.84 82 78 C\n"
" 82 93.64 71.48 93.9 61.42 101.42 C\n"
" cl\n"
" % bottom inside of B \n"
" 22.58 18.58 m\n"
" 24.6 16.54 33.24 18 36 18 C\n"
" 41.96 18 52.74 15.92 58 19 C\n"
" 63.3 22.08 65.92 35.14 61.72 39.8 C\n"
" 54.16 48.22 44.52 46 34 46 C\n"
" 31.56 46 24.38 47.24 22.58 45.42 C\n"
" 20.64 43.5 20.64 20.5 22.58 18.58 C\n"
" cl\n"
" % top inside of B\n"
" 53.42 83.42 m\n"
" 48.2 86.34 36 84 30 84 C\n"
" 28.22 84 23.96 84.82 22.58 83.42 C\n"
" 20.76 81.62 22 74.44 22 72 C\n"
" 22 69.88 20.96 64.18 22.58 62.58 C\n"
" 24.38 60.76 31.56 62 34 62 C\n"
" 39.66 62 48.88 60.24 54 63 C\n"
" 63.18 67.94 61.06 79.18 53.42 83.42 C\n"
" cl \n"
" } def\n"
"% string 12\n"
"%BBOX: 0.0 -2.5 97 104.5\n"
" /string12height 104.5 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string12width 97 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string12left 0 def\n"
" /string12below -2.5 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string12shape {\n"
" 95.92 34.58 m\n"
" 100.16 42.2 77.8 42.16 75.08 39.42 C\n"
" 72.32 36.68 73.34 29.66 70.22 26.2 C\n"
" 59.34 14.1 42.24 13.4 31.08 24.58 C\n"
" 28.48 27.16 27 34.48 25.84 38 C\n"
" 21.72 50.36 20.42 66.78 31.08 77.42 C\n"
" 34.9 81.24 44.2 82.98 49.08 85.34 C\n"
" 57.18 89.24 67.88 79.04 71.92 73.42 C\n"
" 73.3 71.54 71.38 68.52 74.5 68 C\n"
" 77.68 67.46 93.92 66.5 94.5 70 C\n"
" 96.44 81.58 85.68 91.42 76.5 96 C\n"
" 60.18 104.16 34.12 110.78 19.16 94.34 C\n"
" 2.74 76.28 -4.52 51.36 3.84 28 C\n"
" 12.94 2.48 51.54 -10.12 74.5 3 C\n"
" 87.14 10.22 89.76 23.48 95.92 34.58 C\n"
" cl\n"
" } def\n"
"% string 13\n"
"%BBOX: 0.0 0 94.12 102.24\n"
" /string13height 102.24 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string13width 94.12 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /string13left 0 def\n"
" /string13below 0 def\n"
" /string13shape {\n"
" % outside of D\n"
" 0.82 101.42 m\n"
" 0 99.38 0.24 100.52 0.24 98 C\n"
" 0.24 4 l\n"
" 0.24 0.66 0.9 0 4.24 0 C\n"
" 52.24 0 l\n"
" 70.1 0 81.06 14.48 86.24 30 C\n"
" 94.12 53.64 92.66 79.08 70.24 94.28 C\n"
" 65.86 97.26 57.48 102 52.24 102 C\n"
" 4.24 102 l\n"
" 1.72 102 2.86 102.24 0.82 101.42 C\n"
" cl\n"
" % inside of D\n"
" 24.82 81.42 m\n"
" 24 79.38 24.24 80.52 24.24 78 C\n"
" 24.24 24 l\n"
" 24.24 17.48 51.42 18.12 56.04 22.28 C\n"
" 67.44 32.54 71.42 58.72 63.24 72 C\n"
" 57.08 82 35.16 85.58 24.82 81.42 C\n"
" cl \n"
"} def\n"
"% sha arpeggio\n"
"%BBOX: 0.0 0.0 11 100\n"
" /shaheight 100.0 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /shawidth 11.0 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /shaleft 0 def\n"
" /shabelow 0 def\n"
" /shashape {\n"
" 0 100 m\n"
" 2 100 l\n"
" 10 81 l\n"
" 10 79 l\n"
" 2 60 l\n"
" 10 41 l\n"
" 10 39 l\n"
" 2 20 l\n"
" 10 0 l\n"
" 8 0 l\n"
" 0 19 l\n"
" 0 21 l\n"
" 8 40 l\n"
" 0 59 l\n"
" 0 61 l\n"
" 8 80 l\n"
" 0 100 l\n"
" cl\n"
" } def\n"
"% Wa technique\n"
"%BBOX: 8.50 3.23 110.45 121.8\n"
" /waheight 121.8 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /wawidth 110.45 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /waleft -8.5 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /wabelow -3.23 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /washape {\n"
" 43.29 4.29 m\n"
" 45.93 3.23 48.47 5.12 51.00 5.75 C\n"
" 60.99 8.25 66.25 14.44 73.15 21.64 C\n"
" 76.97 25.62 81.80 29.54 84.94 34.08 C\n"
" 87.72 38.09 89.18 42.76 91.50 47.00 C\n"
" 93.86 51.31 97.20 55.39 98.93 60.00 C\n"
" 102.82 70.39 104.85 81.94 105.40 93.00 C\n"
" 105.58 96.51 105.21 100.58 105.95 104.00 C\n"
" 106.45 106.29 109.55 106.30 110.00 109.00 C\n"
" 110.45 111.72 104.74 116.22 102.71 117.71 C\n"
" 97.19 121.80 94.33 112.55 91.00 112.00 C\n"
" 86.83 111.30 82.24 112.24 78.00 111.91 C\n"
" 64.43 110.85 49.01 110.05 36.00 106.33 C\n"
" 28.89 104.30 25.88 111.14 20.75 115.33 C\n"
" 18.64 117.06 14.36 119.93 11.71 117.29 C\n"
" 8.50 114.07 14.63 113.28 15.01 111.00 C\n"
" 15.74 106.56 15.19 101.51 15.28 97.00 C\n"
" 15.45 88.33 15.63 79.67 15.80 71.00 C\n"
" 15.85 68.48 14.96 63.26 16.28 61.10 C\n"
" 18.61 57.28 28.00 55.92 28.00 62.00 C\n"
" 28.00 97.00 l\n"
" 28.00 100.27 37.19 99.37 40.00 99.57 C\n"
" 53.27 100.52 66.86 102.14 80.00 104.33 C\n"
" 83.67 104.94 86.14 106.00 90.00 106.00 C\n"
" 91.15 106.00 93.73 106.60 94.00 105.00 C\n"
" 97.21 85.75 91.59 66.99 83.50 50.00 C\n"
" 81.19 45.14 78.95 38.30 75.28 34.28 C\n"
" 67.81 26.09 59.38 17.95 51.71 10.29 C\n"
" 50.56 9.13 47.48 9.86 46.00 8.79 C\n"
" 45.22 8.22 45.06 7.18 44.00 7.00 C\n"
" 43.02 6.84 41.08 7.51 40.29 6.71 C\n"
" 38.73 5.16 42.62 4.79 43.29 4.29 C\n"
" cl\n"
"} def\n"
"% Hiku technique\n"
"%BBOX: 0 0 50 25\n"
" /hikiheight 25 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /hikiwidth 50 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /hikileft 0 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /hikibelow 0 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /hikishape {\n"
" 27 21 m\n"
" 48 21 l\n"
" 37.5 3 l\n"
" 27 21 l\n"
" cl\n"
" 0 25 m\n"
" 50 25 l\n"
" 37.5 0 l\n"
" 25 21 l\n"
" 0 21 l\n"
" 0 25 l\n"
" cl\n"
"} def\n"
"% augmentation dot\n"
"%BBOX: 0.0 0.0 32 32\n"
" /augdotheight 32.0 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /augdotwidth 32.0 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /augdotleft 0 def\n"
" /augdotbelow 0 def\n"
" /augdotshape {\n"
" 16 8 8 0 360 arc\n"
" cl\n"
" } def\n"
"% doublesharp\n"
"%BBOX: 0.0 0.0 50 25\n"
" /doublesharpheight 25.0 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /doublesharpwidth 50.0 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /doublesharpleft 0 def\n"
" /doublesharpbelow 0 def\n"
" /doublesharpshape {\n"
" 0 0 m\n"
" 50 0 l\n"
" 25 25 l\n"
" 0 0 l\n"
" cl\n"
" } def\n"
"% sharp\n"
"%BBOX: 0.0 0.0 50 25\n"
" /sharpheight 25.0 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /sharpwidth 50.0 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /sharpleft 0 def\n"
" /sharpbelow 0 def\n"
" /sharpshape {\n"
" % outside of sharp\n"
" 0 0 m\n"
" 50 0 l\n"
" 25 25 l\n"
" 0 0 l\n"
" cl\n"
" % inside of sharp sign\n"
" 1 1 m\n"
" 49 1 l\n"
" 25 24 l\n"
" 1 1 l\n"
" cl\n"
" } def\n"
"% triple sharp\n"
"%BBOX: 0.0 0.0 50 50\n"
" /triplesharpheight 50.0 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /triplesharpwidth 50.0 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /triplesharpleft 0 def\n"
" /triplesharpbelow 0 def\n"
" /triplesharpshape {\n"
" % outside of sharp\n"
" 0 0 m\n"
" 50 0 l\n"
" 25 50 l\n"
" 0 0 l\n"
" cl\n"
" % inside of sharp\n"
" 1 1 m\n"
" 49 1 l\n"
" 25 49 l\n"
" 1 1 l\n"
" cl\n"
" % double sharp marker\n"
" 10 7 m\n"
" 40 7 l\n"
" 25 36.5 l\n"
" 10 7 l\n"
" cl\n"
" } def\n"
"% oshi\n"
"%BBOX: 0.0 0.0 50 25\n"
" /oshiheight 25.0 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /oshiwidth 50.0 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /oshileft 0 def\n"
" /oshibelow 0 def\n"
" /oshishape {\n"
" 0 0 m\n"
" 50 0 l\n"
" 37.5 25 l\n"
" 25 4 l\n"
" 0 4 l\n"
" 0 0 l\n"
" cl\n"
" } def\n"
"% oshith\n"
"%BBOX: 0.0 0.0 75 25\n"
" /oshithheight 25.0 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /oshithwidth 75.0 symbolscale mul def\n"
" /oshithleft 0 def\n"
" /oshithbelow 0 def\n"
" /oshithshape {\n"
" 0 0 m\n"
" 75 0 l\n"
" 75 4 l\n"
" 62.5 4 l\n"
" 50 25 l\n"
" 25 25 l\n"
" 12.5 4 l\n"
" 0 4 l\n"
" 0 0 l\n"
" cl\n"
" } def\n"
"%% drawstring -- draw a string note object.\n"
" /StringDict 10 dict def\n"
" /drawstring { gsave\n"
" StringDict begin\n"
" /left exch def % negative width to left of align point\n"
" /below exch def % negative height below align point\n"
" /width exch def % width to right of align point\n"
" /height exch def % height above align point\n"
" /shape exch def % lines to create shape\n"
" /sscale exch def % scaling for object\n"
" /vpos exch def % vertical position\n"
" /hpos exch def % vertical position\n"
" hpos vpos translate % move to object position (centered)\n"
if (debugQ) {
out <<
" % draw the bounding box for objects (for debugging)\n"
" 0 1 0 setrgbcolor\n"
" 0.0 w\n"
" left sscale mul below sscale mul m\n"
" left sscale mul height sscale mul l\n"
" width sscale mul height sscale mul l\n"
" width sscale mul below sscale mul l\n"
" left sscale mul below sscale mul l\n"
" cl s\n"
" \n";
out <<
" symbolscale sscale mul dup scale % nominal size times input scale\n"
" red green blue setrgbcolor\n"
" 0.000 w\n"
" shape\n"
" eofill\n"
" s\n"
" end\n"
" grestore } def\n"
"%% string0 to string13 -- write correct marker for string\n"
"%% 3 Parameters:\n"
"%% position x, position y, scale\n"
" /string0 { //string0shape string0height string0width string0below string0left\n"
" drawstring } def\n"
" /string1 { //string1shape string1height string1width string1below string1left\n"
" drawstring } def\n"
" /string2 { //string2shape string2height string2width string2below string2left\n"
" drawstring } def\n"
" /string3 { //string3shape string3height string3width string3below string3left\n"
" drawstring } def\n"
" /string4 { //string4shape string4height string4width string4below string4left\n"
" drawstring } def\n"
" /string5 { //string5shape string5height string5width string5below string5left\n"
" drawstring } def\n"
" /string6 { //string6shape string6height string6width string6below string6left\n"
" drawstring } def\n"
" /string7 { //string7shape string7height string7width string7below string7left\n"
" drawstring } def\n"
" /string8 { //string8shape string8height string8width string8below string8left\n"
" drawstring } def\n"
" /string9 { //string9shape string9height string9width string9below string9left\n"
" drawstring } def\n"
" /string10 { //string10shape string10height string10width string10below \n"
" string10left drawstring } def\n"
" /string11 { //string11shape string11height string11width string11below \n"
" string11left drawstring } def\n"
" /string12 { //string12shape string12height string12width string12below \n"
" string12left drawstring } def\n"
" /string13 { //string13shape string13height string13width string13below \n"
" string13left drawstring } def\n"
" /dash { //dashshape dashheight dashwidth dashbelow \n"
" dashleft drawstring } def\n"
" /sharp { //sharpshape sharpheight sharpwidth sharpbelow sharpleft\n"
" drawstring } def\n"
" /doublesharp { //doublesharpshape doublesharpheight doublesharpwidth \n"
" doublesharpbelow doublesharpleft drawstring } def\n"
" /triplesharp { //triplesharpshape triplesharpheight triplesharpwidth \n"
" triplesharpbelow triplesharpleft drawstring } def\n"
" /oshi { //oshishape oshiheight oshiwidth \n"
" oshibelow oshileft drawstring } def\n"
" /oshith { //oshithshape oshithheight oshithwidth \n"
" oshithbelow oshithleft drawstring } def\n"
" /wa { //washape waheight wawidth \n"
" wabelow waleft drawstring } def\n"
" /Zu { //Zushape Zuheight Zuwidth \n"
" Zubelow Zuleft drawstring } def\n"
" /zu { //zushape zuheight zuwidth \n"
" zubelow zuleft drawstring } def\n"
" /hiki { //hikishape hikiheight hikiwidth \n"
" hikibelow hikileft drawstring } def\n"
" /sha { //shashape shaheight shawidth \n"
" shabelow shaleft drawstring } def\n"
" /augdot { //augdotshape augdotheight augdotwidth \n"
" augdotbelow augdotleft drawstring } def\n"
"%% beam -- draw a beam\n"
" /beam { gsave\n"
" BarDict begin\n"
" /sscale exch def % scale factor for barline\n"
" /level exch def % beaming level\n"
" /width exch def % width of beam (absolute size)\n"
" /vpos exch def % horizontal position\n"
" /hpos exch def % vertical position\n"
" /bheight 1.5 sscale mul def % height of beams\n"
" /bspace 1.0 sscale mul def % spacing between beams\n"
" /vposcur 0.0 def\n"
" red green blue setrgbcolor\n"
" hpos vpos m\n"
" hpos width add vpos l\n"
" hpos width add vpos bheight sub l\n"
" hpos vpos bheight sub l\n"
" hpos vpos l\n"
" cl f s\n"
" end\n"
" grestore } def\n"
"% /oldbeam { gsave\n"
"% BarDict begin\n"
"% /sscale exch def % scale factor for barline\n"
"% /level exch def % beaming level\n"
"% /width exch def % width of beam (absolute size)\n"
"% /vpos exch def % horizontal position\n"
"% /hpos exch def % vertical position\n"
"% /bheight 1.5 sscale mul def % height of beams\n"
"% /bspace 1.0 sscale mul def % spacing between beams\n"
"% /vposcur 0.0 def\n"
"% red green blue setrgbcolor\n"
"% \n"
"% 1 level {\n"
"% dup\n"
"% /vposcur exch dup bspace mul vpos exch sub exch 1 sub\n"
"% bheight mul sub def\n"
"% 1 add\n"
"% hpos vposcur m\n"
"% hpos width add vposcur l\n"
"% hpos width add vposcur bheight sub l\n"
"% hpos vposcur bheight sub l\n"
"% hpos vposcur l\n"
"% cl f\n"
"% } repeat\n"
"% s\n"
"% end\n"
"% grestore } def\n"
"%% finger -- draw a fingering number\n"
" /finger { gsave\n"
" BarDict begin\n"
" /fnum exch def % fingering number\n"
" /sscale exch def % scale factor for barline\n"
" /level exch def % beaming level\n"
" /offset exch def % offset from note number\n"
" /vpos exch def % horizontal position\n"
" /hpos exch def % vertical position\n"
" /fsz 6.0 sscale mul def\n"
" /bheight 1.5 sscale mul def % height of beams (same as beam fun.)\n"
" /bspace 1.0 sscale mul def % spacing between beams (same as beam)\n"
" \n"
" /fvpos vpos level 1 add bspace mul sub bheight level 1 sub mul sub \n"
" fsz sub def\n"
" % pop % extra number bug right now (2)\n"
" red green blue setrgbcolor\n"
" /Times-Roman findfont fsz scalefont setfont\n"
" hpos offset add fvpos fnum centershow\n"
" end\n"
" grestore } def\n"
"%% textabove -- draw text above a staff\n"
" /textabove { gsave\n"
" BarDict begin\n"
" /text exch def % text to display\n"
" /fsize exch def % fontsize\n"
" /font exch def % fontname\n"
" /sscale exch def % scale factor for barline\n"
" /vpos exch def % horizontal position\n"
" /hpos exch def % vertical position\n"
" \n"
" red green blue setrgbcolor\n"
" font findfont fsize sscale mul scalefont setfont\n"
" hpos vpos m text show\n"
" end\n"
" grestore } def\n"
"%% textbelow -- draw text above a staff\n"
" /textbelow { gsave\n"
" BarDict begin\n"
" /text exch def % text to display\n"
" /fsize exch def % fontsize\n"
" /font exch def % fontname\n"
" /sscale exch def % scale factor for barline\n"
" /vpos exch def % horizontal position\n"
" /hpos exch def % vertical position\n"
" \n"
" red green blue setrgbcolor\n"
" font findfont fsize sscale mul scalefont setfont\n"
" hpos vpos m text show\n"
" end\n"
" grestore } def\n"
"%% verse -- print lyrics (below the music)\n"
" /verse { gsave\n"
" BarDict begin\n"
" /just exch def % justification\n"
" /vnum exch def % verse number of lyric\n"
" /text exch def % text to display\n"
" /sscale exch def % scale factor for barline\n"
" /vpos exch def % horizontal position\n"
" /hpos exch def % vertical position\n"
" /fsize 8 sscale mul def % fontsize for lyric\n"
" /font /HelveticaNarrow def % fontname\n"
" /dspace 13 def % spacing below the vertical position\n"
" /newvpos vpos dspace sub fsize vnum mul sub def\n"
" \n"
" red green blue setrgbcolor\n"
" font findfont fsize sscale mul scalefont setfont\n"
" just 0 eq {\n"
" hpos newvpos text centershow\n"
" } if\n"
" just -1 eq {\n"
" hpos newvpos text centershow\n"
" } if\n"
" end\n"
" grestore } def\n"
"%% pagenumber -- draw a page number whereever\n"
"%% Input parameters:\n"
"%% fsz = font size\n"
"%% text = text for page number\n"
" /pagenumber { gsave\n"
" BarDict begin\n"
" /text exch def\n"
" /fsz exch def\n"
" /Times-Roman findfont fsz scalefont setfont\n"
" pagewidth 2 div bmargin fsz sub 2.0 sub text centershow\n"
" end\n"
" grestore } def\n"
"%% title -- print the title\n"
"%% Input parameters:\n"
"%% fsz = font size\n"
"%% text = text for page number\n"
" /title { gsave\n"
" BarDict begin\n"
" /text exch def\n"
" /fsz exch def\n"
" 0 0 0 setrgbcolor\n"
" /Times-Roman findfont fsz scalefont setfont\n"
" pagewidth 2 div pageheight tmargin sub 40.0 add text centershow\n"
" end\n"
" grestore } def\n"
"%% composer -- print the composer\n"
"%% Input parameters:\n"
"%% fsz = font size\n"
"%% text = Composer name\n"
"%% text = composer dates\n"
" /composer { gsave\n"
" BarDict begin\n"
" /date exch def\n"
" /text exch def\n"
" /fsz exch def\n"
" 0 0 0 setrgbcolor\n"
" /Times-Roman findfont fsz scalefont setfont\n"
" pagewidth rmargin sub pageheight tmargin sub fsz 2 mul \n"
" add text rightshow\n"
" pagewidth rmargin sub pageheight tmargin sub fsz add date rightshow\n"
" end\n"
" grestore } def\n"
"%% tuning -- print the tuning directions for the koto\n"
"%% Input parameters:\n"
"%% fsz = font size\n"
"%% text = free-form tuning direction\n"
" /tuning { gsave\n"
" BarDict begin\n"
" /text exch def\n"
" /fsz exch def\n"
" 0 0 0 setrgbcolor\n"
" /Times-Roman findfont fsz scalefont setfont\n"
" lmargin pageheight tmargin sub moveto text show\n"
" end\n"
" grestore } def\n"
"%% titlefooter -- print the title information at the bottom of the page\n"
"%% (on pages other than the first page).\n"
"%% Input parameters:\n"
"%% fsz = font size\n"
"%% text = text for page number\n"
" /titlefooter { gsave\n"
" BarDict begin\n"
" /text exch def\n"
" /fsz exch def\n"
" 0 0 0 setrgbcolor\n"
" /Times-Roman findfont fsz scalefont setfont\n"
" 20 20 m text show\n"
" end\n"
" grestore } def\n"
"%% cbar -- make a center-justified barline. Barline's center will match\n"
"%% the horizontal position given as input to the function.\n"
"%% 3 Parameters:\n"
"%% horizontal position, vertical start position, sscale\n"
"/BarDict 10 dict def\n"
"/cbar { gsave\n"
" BarDict begin\n"
" /sscale exch def % scale factor for barline\n"
" /vpos exch def % vertical position of the baseline\n"
" /hpos exch def % horizontal position\n"
" /downunits 50.0 sscale symbolscale mul mul def % ext below baseline\n"
" /upunits 130.0 sscale symbolscale mul mul def % ext above baseline\n"
" /lwidth 4.0 sscale symbolscale mul mul def % line width for barline\n"
" red green blue setrgbcolor\n"
" lwidth w\n"
" hpos vpos downunits sub m\n"
" hpos vpos upunits add l\n"
" s\n"
" end\n"
"grestore } def\n"
"%% doublebar -- make a double-lined thin barline. \n"
"%% the horizontal position given as input to the function.\n"
"%% 3 Parameters:\n"
"%% horizontal position, \n"
"%% vertical start position, \n"
"%% sscale\n"
"%% centering\n"
"%BBOX: 0 -50 16 130\n"
"/doublebar { gsave\n"
" BarDict begin\n"
" /sscale exch def % scale factor for barline\n"
" /vpos exch def % vertical position of the baseline\n"
" /hpos exch def % horizontal position\n"
" /downunits 50.0 sscale symbolscale mul mul def % ext below baseline\n"
" /upunits 130.0 sscale symbolscale mul mul def % ext above baseline\n"
" /lwidth 4.0 sscale symbolscale mul mul def % line width for barline\n"
" /offset lwidth def % offset to justify\n"
" red green blue setrgbcolor\n"
" lwidth w\n"
" hpos vpos translate\n"
" 0 -1 downunits mul m\n"
" 0 upunits l\n"
" lwidth upunits l\n"
" lwidth -1 downunits mul l\n"
" 0 -1 downunits mul l\n"
" cl \n"
" 12.0 sscale symbolscale mul mul 0.0 translate\n"
" 0 -1 downunits mul m\n"
" 0 upunits l\n"
" lwidth upunits l\n"
" lwidth -1 downunits mul l\n"
" 0 -1 downunits mul l\n"
" cl \n"
" f s\n"
" end\n"
"grestore } def\n"
"%% lbar -- make a left-justified barline. Barline's left edge will match\n"
"%% the horizontal position given as input to the function.\n"
"%% 3 Parameters:\n"
"%% horizontal position, vertical start position, sscale\n"
"/lbar { gsave\n"
" BarDict begin\n"
" /sscale exch def % scale factor for barline\n"
" /vpos exch def % vertical position of the baseline\n"
" /hpos exch def % horizontal position\n"
" /downunits 50.0 sscale symbolscale mul mul def % ext below baseline\n"
" /upunits 130.0 sscale symbolscale mul mul def % ext above baseline\n"
" /lwidth 4.0 sscale symbolscale mul mul def % line width for barline\n"
" /offset lwidth def % offset to justify\n"
" red green blue setrgbcolor\n"
" lwidth w\n"
" hpos vpos translate\n"
" 0 -1 downunits mul m\n"
" 0 upunits l\n"
" lwidth upunits l\n"
" lwidth -1 downunits mul l\n"
" 0 -1 downunits mul l\n"
" cl f s\n"
" end\n"
"grestore } def\n"
"%% rbar -- make a right-justified barline. Barline edge will match\n"
"%% the horizontal position given as input to the function.\n"
"%% 3 Parameters:\n"
"%% horizontal position, vertical start position, sscale\n"
"/rbar { gsave\n"
" BarDict begin\n"
" /sscale exch def % scale factor for barline\n"
" /vpos exch def % vertical position of baseline\n"
" /hpos exch def % horizontal position\n"
" /downunits 50.0 sscale symbolscale mul mul def % ext below baseline\n"
" /upunits 130.0 sscale symbolscale mul mul def % ext above baseline\n"
" /lwidth 4.0 sscale symbolscale mul mul def % line width for barline\n"
" /offset lwidth 2.0 div def % offset to justify\n"
" red green blue setrgbcolor\n"
" lwidth w\n"
" hpos offset sub vpos downunits sub m\n"
" hpos offset sub vpos upunits add l\n"
" s\n"
" end\n"
"grestore } def\n"
"%% sbar -- system barline.\n"
"%% 3 Parameters:\n"
"%% horizontal position, vertical start position, sscale\n"
"/SystemBarDict 10 dict def\n"
"/sbar { gsave\n"
" SystemBarDict begin\n"
" /sscale exch def\n"
" /vpos exch def\n"
" /hpos exch def\n"
" /lwidth 20 sscale symbolscale mul mul def\n"
" /downunits 50.0 sscale symbolscale mul mul def % ext below baseline\n"
" /upunits 130.0 sscale symbolscale mul mul def % ext above baseline\n"
" /sspacing 10.0 sscale symbolscale mul mul def\n"
" /offset lwidth 0.5 mul def\n"
" red green blue setrgbcolor\n"
" lwidth w\n"
" hpos offset add vpos downunits sub m\n"
" hpos offset add vpos upunits add l\n"
" s\n"
" 4 symbolscale sscale mul mul w\n"
" hpos offset 2 mul add sspacing add vpos downunits sub m\n"
" hpos offset 2 mul add sspacing add vpos upunits add l\n"
" s\n"
" end\n"
"} def\n"
"%% fbar -- final barline.\n"
"/SystemBarDict 10 dict def\n"
"/fbar { gsave\n"
" SystemBarDict begin\n"
" /sscale exch def\n"
" /vpos exch def\n"
" /hpos exch def\n"
" /lwidth 20 sscale symbolscale mul mul def\n"
" /downunits 50.0 sscale symbolscale mul mul def % ext below baseline\n"
" /upunits 130.0 sscale symbolscale mul mul def % ext above baseline\n"
" /sspacing 10.0 sscale symbolscale mul mul def\n"
" /offset lwidth 0.5 mul def\n"
" red green blue setrgbcolor\n"
" % narrow part\n"
" 4 symbolscale sscale mul mul w\n"
" hpos 2 symbolscale sscale mul mul add vpos downunits sub m\n"
" hpos 2 symbolscale sscale mul mul add vpos upunits add l\n"
" s\n"
" % wide part\n"
" lwidth w\n"
" hpos offset add 2 symbolscale sscale mul mul add sspacing add vpos downunits sub m\n"
" hpos offset add 2 symbolscale sscale mul mul add sspacing add vpos upunits add l\n"
" s\n"
" end\n"
"} def\n"
"%% rightshow -- display text to the right of a position\n"
"%% input parameters (3):\n"
"%% horizontal center position\n"
"%% vertical center position\n"
"%% text to display\n"
" /rightshow {\n"
" dup\n"
" stringwidth pop \n"
" 4 -1 roll exch sub\n"
" 3 -1 roll moveto\n"
" show\n"
" } def\n"
"%% centershow -- display text in the middle of a position\n"
"%% input parameters (3):\n"
"%% horizontal center position\n"
"%% vertical center position\n"
"%% text to display\n"
" /centershow {\n"
" dup\n"
" stringwidth pop 2 div\n"
" 4 -1 roll exch sub\n"
" 3 -1 roll moveto\n"
" show\n"
" } def\n"
"%% barnum -- print the measure number centered at the given location\n"
" /barnum { gsave\n"
" StringDict begin\n"
" /number exch def % measure number to display\n"
" /size exch def % scaling of the measure number\n"
" /vpos exch def % vertical position\n"
" /hpos exch def % horizontal position\n"
" red green blue setrgbcolor\n"
" /Times-Italic findfont size scalefont setfont\n"
" hpos vpos number centershow\n"
" end\n"
" grestore } def\n"
"%% savecolor --\n"
" /setcolor {\n"
if (colorQ) {
out <<
" /oldred red def\n"
" /oldgreen green def\n"
" /oldblue blue def\n"
" /blue exch def\n"
" /green exch def\n"
" /red exch def\n"
" \n";
} else {
out <<
" /oldred exch def\n"
" /oldgreen exch def\n"
" /oldblue exch def\n"
out <<
" } def\n"
"%% restorecolor -- restore the previous color before last savecolor\n"
" /restorcolor {\n"
" /red oldred def\n"
" /green oldgreen def\n"
" /blue oldblue def\n"
" } def\n"
"/red 0 def\n"
"/green 0 def\n"
"/blue 0 def\n"
if (debugQ) {
out <<
"%% spacer -- draw a space for debugging purposes.\n"
" /spacer { gsave\n"
" StringDict begin\n"
" /width exch def % width in points\n"
" /vpos exch def % vertical position\n"
" /hpos exch def % horizontal position\n"
" /height 10.0 def % height in points\n"
" hpos vpos translate % move to object position (centered)\n"
" 0.0 0.8 0.2 setrgbcolor\n"
" 0.0 w\n"
" 0 0 m\n"
" 0 height l\n"
" width height l\n"
" width -1 height mul l\n"
" 0 -1 height mul l\n"
" 0 0 l\n"
" cl \n"
" s\n"
" end\n"
" grestore } def\n"
} else {
out <<
"%% spacer -- draw a space marker for debugging purposes.\n"
" /spacer { gsave\n"
" StringDict begin\n"
" /width exch def % width in points\n"
" /vpos exch def % vertical position\n"
" /hpos exch def % horizontal position\n"
" /height 10.0 def % height in points\n"
"% hpos vpos translate % move to object position (centered)\n"
"% 0.0 0.8 0.2 setrgbcolor\n"
"% 0 0 m\n"
"% 0 height l\n"
"% width height l\n"
"% width -1 height mul l\n"
"% 0 -1 height mul l\n"
"% 0 0 l\n"
"% cl f s\n"
" end\n"
" grestore } def\n"
**koto representation
Pitch Related Codes
0 = rest
1 = string 1 (furthest from the performer)
2 = string 2
3 = string 3
4 = string 4
5 = string 5
6 = string 6
7 = string 7
8 = string 8
9 = string 9
A = string 10
B = string 11
C = string 12
D = string 13 (closest to the performer)
W = wa
Z = Zu
z = zu
Rhythm Related Codes
no rhythm indication = quarter note
| = half the previous duration
. = augmentation dots, similar to **kern, first dot adds 1/2 of original
rhythm, second dot adds 1/4 of original rhythm.
- = add one beat to the duration, or without a string, is a place
holder in the score equal to one beat.
Technique Related Codes
# = sharpen string by a 1/2-step
## = sharpen string by a wholestep
### = sharpen string by a 1 and 1/2 steps
o = oshi tome: start in natural position, then glissando up a wholetone
by the end of the note.
r = oshi tome hanashi: press down, hold and then release.
a = first finger(thumb) is to be used to play the note
b = second finger(index finger) is to be used to play the note
c = third finger(middle finger) is to be used to play the note
d = fourth finger(ring finger) is to be used to play the note
V = repeated string in the reverse direction, string is not indicated
in score.
v = same as V, but string is indicated explicitly in the score.
q = grace note
Preferred form of a **koto datum:
string -- rhythm -- accidentals -- articulations -- fingerings
Measure Related Codes
barlines are equivalent to those in the **kern representation
Most **kern interpretations are understood, in particular:
*M4/4 = 4/4 time signature
*MM120 = tempo marking of 120 beats per minute
Coding specific to this program
!CLR:xxx = set the printing color to xxx, where xxx is a particular
color, or a 6-hex digit color code in the form RRGGBB as
in HTML color codes.
!!CLR:xxx = same but for all staves in system
!TXA:xxx = text above a staff
!TXB:xxx = text below a staff
!FNT:TR14L = set text font to Times Roman 14 point left centered
at current position
T = times R = regular/roman C = center justify
H = helvetica I = italic L = left justified
C = courier B = bold R = right justified
!!TXA:xxx = same as !TA:xxx, but applies to whole system
!!TXB:xxx = same as !TB:xxx, but applies to whole system
!!FNT:xxx = same as !FT:xxx, but applies to whole system
// md5sum: 14ba8aacbafc505904d44e863935732a koto2eps.cpp [20050403]