Goto: [ Program Documentation ]

// Programmer:    Craig Stuart Sapp <>
// Creation Date: Wed Apr 30 13:01:29 GMT-0800 1997
// Last Modified: Sun May 25 00:09:05 GMT-0800 1997
// Last Modified: Thu Aug 26 15:04:28 PDT 2004 (added Option class)
// Filename:      ...sig/doc/examples/sig/sigfile/silence/silence.cpp
// Syntax:        C++; sig
// Description: make a blank soundfile.

#include "sigAudio.h"

#ifndef OLDCPP
   #include <iostream>
   using namespace std;
   #include <iostream.h>

void exitUsage(const char* command);

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
   Options options;
   options.define("s|samples=i:44100",   "number of samples to generate");
   options.define("sec|seconds=d:1.0",   "duration of sound if no -s option");
   options.define("r|srate|sr=d:44100",  "sampling rate of output sound");
   options.define("c|channels|chan=i:1", "number of channels in output sound");
   options.process(argc, argv);
   if (options.getArgCount() != 1) {

   int srate = (int)options.getDouble("srate");
   int numSamples = options.getInteger("samples");
   if (!options.getBoolean("samples") && options.getBoolean("seconds")) {
      double seconds = options.getDouble("seconds");
      numSamples = (int)(seconds * srate + 0.5);
   if (numSamples < 1) {
      numSamples = 1000;
   int channels = options.getInteger("channels");
   if (channels < 1) {
      channels = 1;
   SoundHeader header;
   header.setHighMono("This is a blank soundfile.");

   // Elements:
   Constant     constant(0);
   SoundFileOut outsound(options.getArg(1), header);

   // Connections:
   int i;
   for (i=0; i<channels; i++) {
      outsound.connect(constant, i, 0);

   Action action;
   action.tick(outsound, numSamples);

   return 0;

void exitUsage(const char* command) {
   cout << endl;
   cout << "Generates a blank soundfile with specified length." << endl;
   cout << endl;
   cout << "Usage: " << command << " [-s|--sec] [-r] [-c] outsound" << endl;
   cout << endl;
   cout << "   -s sample_count = make outsound sample_count samples long\n";
   cout << "   --sec seconds = make outsound specified seconds long\n";
   cout << "   -r sampling_rate = specify outsound sampling rate\n";
   cout << "   -c channels = specify outsound channel count\n";
   cout << endl;


// md5sum: 16ac3d8a48c311055bcc93dfa8029483 silence.cpp [20050403]