activity | Cumulative articulation plot generator. Counts the number of notes within each measure of the score and then outputs either raw data or instructions for creating a plot. [src] |
addtempo | Add tempo settings to a Humdrum file with **kern spines. [src] |
ana | Melody analyzer using Humdrum data format as input. [src] |
archetype | Scape-based shape archetype analysis in performance data. [src] |
arcplot | Display arc plots for similiary/form analysis. [src] |
arto | reduces chordal textures to their unembellished forms. [src] |
assemblex | join one or more Humdrum files which contain **kern data. [src] |
atakcent | attack accentuation measurement. [src] |
attacks | Counts the attacks for each position in the score. [src] |
attacksum | generates a rhythm attack summary by measure in binary format. [src] |
autodynam | Terminate crescendo and decrescendo wedges in **dynam spines. [src] |
autostem | Adds up/down stems to **kern data. [src] |
avgpitch | Generate average pitch for each staff of music and/or all staves. [src] |
barline | Add/remove barlines from music. [src] |
barnum | Number, renumber, or remove barline numbers in Humdrum files. [src] |
base12 | Extracts pitch information from **kern spines and converts them to a base-12 representation which is used in MIDI applications. [src] |
base40 | Extracts pitch information from **kern spines and converts them to a base-40 representation which preserves interval qualities between pitches when transposed numerically. [src] |
beat | analyzes **kern spines for metrical positions of beats. Same as the beat program, but uses the built-in rhythmic analysis functions in the HumdrumFile class. [src] |
blank | Generate a blank Humdrum spine containing matching barlines based on the input Humdrum file. [src] |
bol2score | Converts Humdrum **bol representations into graphical notation in the SCORE data format. [src] |
cherry | Performance comparison algorithm. [src] |
cherryb | Performance comparison algorithm, stage 2. [src] |
cherryc | Performance comparison algorithm, stage 3. [src] |
chorck | Checks functional harmony chorale exercises for various errors such as parallel 5ths and octaves. Input data is in humdrum **kern format. [src] |
chord | determine if a vertical sonority is a chord or a subordinate sonority according to rules given by John Maxwell. [src] |
chordmark | Mark the triadic function of notes in a chord. [src] |
chordset | Count and collect chords from **kern data using a **root interpretation indicating the segmentation of the chords. [src] |
chordtone | analyzes **kern spines for voice function according a voice's chord tone function. [src] |
cint | Extract counterpoint interval modules from polyphonic music. [src] |
ckey | Generates a measurement of the Key of the musical selection given as input. [src] |
cliche | Search for textural similarities in a musical score. [src] |
composite | analyzes **kern spines and generates a composite rhythm analysis. [src] |
compositeold | analyzes **kern spines and generates a composite rhythm analysis. [src] |
conductor | Generate a conductor track for use with the radio baton. [src] |
cormatrix | Calculates a correlation matrix for two two-dimensional sequences in separate files. Each line of the files is a sequence. [src] |
correlation | Correlation analysis. [src] |
croot | Generates a measurement of the root of the musical selection given as input. [src] |
croot2 | Generates a measurement of the root of the musical selection given as input with a revised algorithm. [src] |
curveplot | Plot curve data from a spine of data. [src] |
dbnovelty | Generates a novelty contour for a melody based on matching similarities to other meldies in a database. [src] |
democratickey | Keyscape image comparator. [src] |
diaint | Extract diatonic invervals from voice pairings. [src] |
diametric | Measures the diatonic size of **kern sonorities in a humdrum file according to stacked thirds, seconds, fifths or their inversions. [src] |
diaroot | Generates a measurement of the chord roots using diatonic pitch space. [src] |
dimuth | Extract triadic scores from sonorities. [src] |
dissic | determine if a sonority is dissonant in context according to rules given by John Maxwell. [src] |
dissim | Performance comparison algorithm. [src] |
dissnote | determine if a note in a sonority is dissonant according to rules given by John Maxwell. [src] |
dissonant | Identify harmonic seconds, sevenths, and fourths above the lowest note. [src] |
ditto | replace Humdrum null tokens with previous data token. [src] |
dittox | replace Humdrum null tokens with previous data token. [src] |
dynaplot | Plot of dynamics v time for performance data. [src] |
eicheck | Simple humdrum file testing program that replaces data fields with the exclusive interpretation to which the data belongs for error checking. [src] |
eised | General Humdrum program that extracts individual tokens and places one per line for processing with a program such as sed. Then, the processed data records can be reinserted into the original data structure. [src] |
esac2hum | Convert EsAC data into the Humdrum Format. Designed for use with Polish lyrics. [src] |
event | Mark event sequence in scores. [src] |
extractx | Eventual replacement for humdrum toolkit extract program. [src] |
gettime | Create an absolute timing spine from the **kern input. [src] |
glid | removes most non-data records from Humdrum files. [src] |
harm2kern | Convert a harmonic analysis to a root note line, or full chord pitch set. [src] |
harmanal | Analyzes **kern data for functional harmony. [src] |
hexa | Describe the hexachord position of notes in the C, F, or G hexachord. [src] |
hgrep | Search for patterns in a Humdrum file (with **kern data) and reports the measure/beat at which the pattern was found. [src] |
hicor | Hierarchical correlation plot generator. [src] |
hokey2humdrum | Converts Hokey XML into Humdrum Files. [src] |
hparser | basic demonstration for parsing a Humdrum file. [src] |
hum2abc | Converts Humdrum files with **kern data into abc+ files which can be displayed graphically using PostScript with the abcm2ps program. [src] |
hum2allegro | Converts Humdrum files with **kern data into allegro files. [src] |
hum2cmme | Converts Humdrum into CMME XML files. [src] |
hum2enp | Converts Humdrum into MuseData files. [src] |
hum2gmn | Converts Humdrum files into Guido Music Notation files. [src] |
hum2mei | Converts Humdrum into MEI XML files. [src] |
hum2mid | Converts Humdrum files with **kern data into Standard MIDI files. Non-musical data can be stored as text meta events. [src] |
hum2muse | Converts Humdrum into MuseData files. [src] |
hum2xml | converts Humdrum files into MusicXML files. [src] |
humcat | Concatentate the data from multiple humdrum files into one stream of data. Spine counts and data types must match between files. [src] |
humlink | basic demonstration for creating a linked list of a Humdrum file. [src] |
humpdf | Embeds humdrum files inside of a PDF file. [src] |
humplay | Plays **kern entries in a Humdrum file through MIDI. [src] |
humsplit | Splits multiple-segment Humdrum streams into separate files. [src] |
humtable | print Humdrum file as an HTML table. [src] |
irange | Identify the instrumental range of the notes in the score. [src] |
irangeplot | Plot data generated by the irange program. [src] |
ismir2008 | Generate various scape ranking and scores S0 through S4 from Craig's ISMIR 2008 paper. [src] |
iweights | Generate root-interval weights from parameterized spatial configuration of pitches. [src] |
iwrange | Find the independent variation in interval weights which yeild as good or better results than the current value. [src] |
iwrange2 | Find the independent variation in interval weights which yeild as good or better results than the current value. Updated plotting; interface to Mathematica. [src] |
iwroot | Generates a measurement of the chord roots using interval weights from a file or generated from a pitch space. [src] |
iwsearch | Search for optimal root-interval weights for chord root identification by Monte Carlo methods. [src] |
iwsimplex | Interval weights optimization via the downhill simplex method of Nelder and Mead. [src] |
jointextract | Extract data from composite spine data running parallel to multiple **kern spines. [src] |
jointfeature | Special-purpose program which is used to combine code features for pitch and rhythm for database analysis of Themefinder data. [src] |
joscor | Monophonoic parts to score. [src] |
jrpize | Adjust the notation conventions of a file so that it conforms to the Josquin Resarch Project formmating (for Renaissance music). [src] |
kern2cmn | converts input kern data into CMN notation. [src] |
kern2dm | converts input kern data into the native Director Musices format. [src] |
kern2esac | Convert EsAC data into the Humdrum Format. Designed for use with Polish lyrics. [src] |
kern2koto | Converts **kern representation to **koto representation [src] |
kern2melisma | collect all notes found in **kern spines in the input Hudrum data into one spine formatted with given options. [src] |
kern2notelist | converts input kern data into a list of notes. [src] |
kern2notelist2 | converts input kern data into a list of notes. [src] |
kern2skini | convert **kern data into SKINI data. [src] |
keyboundary | Optimizing program for Krumhansl-Schmuckler key-finding algorithm at modulation points. [src] |
keycor | Key-finding by correlation. [src] |
keyscape | Generates a measurement of the Key of the musical selection given as input at various time divisions. [src] |
keyscape2 | Generates a measurement of the Key of the musical selection given as input at various time divisions in a continuous manner. [src] |
keyscape3 | Rewrite of keyscape2. [src] |
koto2eps | Converts Humdrum **koto representation to a simple EPS output using arabic numerals. [src] |
koto2kern | Converts **koto representation to **kern representation [src] |
koto2midi | Generates a modeled performance of the koto from the **koto representation. [src] |
koto2xml | Converts **koto representation to various XML music representations. [src] |
levogram | Smooth input data with exponential smoothing measuring the inflection points. [src] |
location | Give file/musical location of data lines in score. [src] |
lofcog | Line of fifths center of gravity (mean) calculations used for identifying proper enharmonic accidental spellings. [src] |
marcello1 | Feature extractor which extract the metrical position of each beat, the number of events in the left hand, and the number of events in a beat for the right hand in piano music (two primary spines of music, the first **kern spine contains the left hand, the second **kern spine contains the right hand. [src] |
markana | Analyze roots using previously marked root locations. [src] |
markov | Analyze roots using previously marked root locations. [src] |
marksim | Analyze similarity of repertories by markov transition tables. [src] |
matphrase | Extract phrase information for processing in matlab. [src] |
maxent | determine metrical accentuation according to rules given by John Maxwell. [src] |
maxent2 | determine metrical accentuation according to rules given by John Maxwell. [src] |
mazurkascript | Graphical display of mazurka scripts in various performances. [src] |
melseq | Extract melodic sequence information from polyphonic music with monophonic lines. [src] |
melstep | Determines if notes in the music are melodically approached and/or left by an interval of a second. [src] |
menchop | Extract music with specific mensurations from music. [src] |
menlist | Extract list of mensuration signs for each voice. [src] |
menpat | Extract mensural rhythmic patterns from each measure in each voice. [src] |
meter | Extracts the meter information from interpretation records and places the metrical information on each data line in two independent spines. [src] |
metertype | Summarizes metric information in **kern data. [src] |
mid2hum | Converts a MIDI file into a Humdrum file. [src] |
midi2asc | Converts a MIDI file into an ASCII text format. [src] |
midimel | generate MIDI note numbers for short melodic sequences stored in the first spine of a Humdrum file in **kern format. [src] |
mince | Chops a **kern score into segments starting at each [src] |
minrhy | calculates the minimum timebase which is the least common multiple of all rhythms in the file. [src] |
mkeyscape | Fast-algorithm keyscape program which can read MIDI files. [src] |
modid | Automatic modulation identification using the Krumhansl-Schmuckler key-finding algorithm. [src] |
motive | Tool for motive identification in monophonic or single-voice polyphonic scores. [src] |
msubtract | Subtract two matrices of numbers in Humdrum format. [src] |
mustran2kern | Converts MUSTRAN data into the Humdrum **kern format. [src] |
mvspine | readjust the spines in a Humdrum file in an arbitrary manner. [src] |
myank | Yank selected measures from a full score. [src] |
ned | Noise Equivalent Distance measurements. [src] |
noficta | Renove musica ficta (editorial accidentals) from data. [src] |
noisesequence | Performance comparison algorithm. [src] |
notearray | Generate a 2-dimensional note array from molyphonic music. [src] |
notecount | similar to census -k command but for large-scale counting. [src] |
noteheadtime | Display performance information as noteheads using SCORE display. [src] |
noteheadtime-webern | Display performance information as noteheads using SCORE display, specific to Webern Op. 27 project. [src] |
noteset | collect all notes found in **kern spines in the input Hudrum data into one spine formatted with given options. [src] |
notie | Combine tied group of notes into a single note with a possible rational rhtyhm. [src] |
nscale | Extract n-length scale degrees interval sequences. [src] |
onset | Extract onset information from Humdrum **kern spines. [src] |
onsetbeats | prints a list of the onset beat times for notes occuring in the score. [src] |
ottava | Transpose ottava sections of music between sounding and print styles. [src] |
pae2kern | Converts Plaine & Easie into **kern data [src] |
parallel | Identify parallel octaves and fifths between voices. [src] |
partinfo | List part names and abbreviations. [src] |
pcdist | Pitch-class distance. Measures the time between the current pitch classes and the last occurance in the music beforehand. [src] |
pchlist | Generates a pitch list giving the beat location and duration of all pitches in a score. [src] |
pe2score | Convert Plaine & Easie code into SCORE input data. [src] |
perf2score | Combine extracted performance data with a performance score. [src] |
phraseadd | Add phrases to monophonic music based on a arbitrary marker placed at the beginning of each phrase. [src] |
phrasenum | extract the phrase locations in a monophonic song according to which note the phrases start on. [src] |
pitchhist | Generate pitch histograms of **kern data in Humdrum files. [src] |
pitchmix | randomly reorder the pitches in **kern spines, keeping the rhythms unchanged. [src] |
plainkern | remove stems and beaming information for **kern data. [src] |
plindex | Generate song index sequence designed for Polish song database. [src] |
plmatch | Measure the similarity between two melodies with data generated from the plindex program. [src] |
plot2xfig | Convert plot data into xfig format. [src] |
polyhicor | Poly-sequence hierarchical correlation plot generator. [src] |
prange | Measure the pitch range of notes in input **kern data. [src] |
prettystar | Arrange interpretation records in the header of a Humdrum file in a systemmatic manner. [src] |
proll | Generate a piano roll display of input humdrum files. [src] |
prthumb | Create a match location summary from theloc output with percent output. [src] |
pullout | Extract movements from a multi-movement Humdrum file. [src] |
rcheck | check the rhythmic interpretation of a humdrum file which contains **kern spines. [src] |
rebar | Remove barlines, or change to another meter. [src] |
rhylev | determine the metrical level of beat position. [src] |
ridx | Remove various compnents of Humdrum file data structures. [src] |
rism2kern | converts RISM Plain and Easie data in a MARC 789 field to kern data. [src] |
rism2kern2 | converts RISM Plain and Easie data in a RISM 112 field to kern data. [src] |
rnn-input | Recurrent neural network data input generator. [src] |
rootcomp | Analyze the root of the input music and compare to a preexisting root analysis. [src] |
rootspace | Measures the root of a chord in a three-dimensional parameter space where the input **kern file contains one chord. [src] |
rootspectrum | Generates a measurement of the chord roots using interval weights from a file or generated from a pitch space. [src] |
roottest | Analyze the root of the input music and compare to a preexisting root analysis. [src] |
rscale | Scale the rhythmic duration of all **kern rhythms in file by a common factor. [src] |
runningkey | Key correlation information by measure [src] |
sample | Samples pitches from **kern data according to the given rhythmic pattern. [src] |
satb2gs | Convert soprano-alto-tenor-bass chorale staves into grand staff [src] |
satzfehler | Identify Satzfehler patterns in polyphonic music. [src] |
scaletype | Identifies **kern data as pentatonic, sexatonic, or heptatonic. [src] |
scaperank | Generate various scape ranking and scores. [src] |
scordur | measures the total length of a humdrum file in terms of metrical beats. If more than one data set in input file, then displays the total beat duration of each set. [src] |
scrub | Remove chordal/non-chordal tones from the input music. [src] |
seqalign | Aligns score and audio onset times. [src] |
serialize | Take multi-spine file, and extract all spines into single-column output. [src] |
simil | Measure non-numeric similarity between source and template files. [src] |
simpsmf | A temporary simple substitute for the Humdrum smf command which converts Humdrum **MIDI into standard MIDI files. [src] |
sinko | Identify syncopations in a piano texture. [src] |
smake | Simple make: read a single-line makefile command in a source file in order to compile the file (or do whatever needs to be done). [src] |
smoother | Smooth input data with exponential smoothing. [src] |
sonority | analyzes **kern spines for vertical harmony. Can identify chordal qualities, roots and inversions. [src] |
sonority1 | analyzes **kern spines for vertical harmony. Can identify chordal qualities, roots and inversions. [src] |
spinetrace | identifies spine locations of humdrum data. [src] |
spiralfile | Generate sonorities from Humdrum **kern data for use in Spriral Array analysis. [src] |
staff | Extract music by staff markers. [src] |
strong | Marks notes in strong rhythmic positions (beats). [src] |
swing | create a **time spine which "swings" the eighth-note rhythmic levels. [src] |
tacet | Locate/label sections where **kern spines contain no notes. [src] |
terdis | measure the tertian dissonance of a sonority using rules given by John Maxwell. [src] |
terdis2 | measure the tertian dissonance of a sonority using rules given by John Maxwell. [src] |
tertian | determine if a sonority is tertian using rules given by John Maxwell. [src] |
tertian2 | determine if a sonority is tertian using rules given by John Maxwell. [src] |
tetra | Identify melodic tetrachord patterns in each spine. [src] |
theloc | Identify the location of a note index in a files as output from themax. [src] |
themax | Searches themebuilder indexes in order to extract matches for melodic sequences. A rewrite of the thema command which is written in AWK, with rhythmic search extensions incorporated which match the themebuilderx command. Addes cleaning to user input before searching, feature linking and feature counting. [src] |
themax1 | Searches themebuilder indexes in order to extract matches for melodic sequences. A rewrite of the thema command which is written in AWK, with rhythmic search extensions incorporated which match the themebuilderx command. Older version of themax. [src] |
thememakerx | Extract an incipit from monophonic songs which may contain phrase markings. [src] |
thrux | C++ implementation of the core Humdrum Toolkit thru command. [src] |
tieedit | Identify cases where an editorial accidental does not get marked on secondary tied notes. [src] |
tiefix | Special-purpose program to fix ties going over barlines in the humdrum conversion of the EsAC Chinese folksongs. [src] |
time2matlab | Extract notes according to specified timing values for import into matlab (or octave) for performance analysis. [src] |
time2tempo | Convert **time data into **tempo data. [src] |
timebasex | similar to Humdrum Toolkit timebase. [src] |
tindex | converts Humdrum files to thema index entries. [src] |
tinfo | Basic information theory measurements on **kern [src] |
tntype | Serial analysis of pitch-class sets. [src] |
transfix | Transpose kern musical data using base-40. Note that this version will only allow up to double sharp/flats. [src] |
transpose | Transpose kern musical data using base-40. Note that this version will only allow up to double sharp/flats. [src] |
triped | Generate a 2-Dimensional correlation diagram similar to Jonathan Foote's analysis of audio data. [src] |
tsroot | Analyze the chord root analysis from Temperley & Sleator Melisma Music Analysis harmony program (2003 version) and optionally append to original **kern data. [src] |
ttuprofile | Time To Unique profile for database query analysis (special purpose). [src] |
updown | analyzes **kern spines for metrical positions of beats. Same as the beat program, but uses the built-in rhythmic analysis functions in the HumdrumFile class. [src] |
vertdis | Measurement of vertical consonance/dissonance based on rules given by John Maxwell. [src] |
vertdis2 | Measurement of vertical consonance/dissonance based on rules given by John Maxwell. [src] |
vlcontext | Extracts the previous and next notes that a current note [src] |
voicecount | Count the active number of voices/parts sounding at any given moment in the score. [src] |
vpc | Vertical pitch class -- counts the number of notes in each vertical sonority [src] |
vrange | Extimate the vocal function of a part. [src] |
xml2hum | Converts a MusicXML file into a Humdrum file. [src] |
zscores | Calculate normalized values (z-scores) for specified column. [src] |