badsplice | Demonstration of SoundFileRead::gotoSample(). Chops up an input soundfile into little pieces and splices them together in a random sequence in the output file. [src] |
clicktrack | Adds all channels in the input sound file and writes a sound file with the summation of all channels. Amplitude scaling factor can be given to prevent clipping if necessary. [src] |
cutoff | Remove sound chunk when above or below a certain energy level. [src] |
extractChannel | Extracts a single channel from a multi-channel soundfile and stores the results in a mono soundfile. Useful for extracting the left or right channel in a stereo file and storing it into a separate soundfile. [src] |
extractclicks | Creates a list of times in milliseconds at which times the program finds a click in a click track channel. The click-track channel has digital silence between the clicks, and the click time is aligned to the nearest millisecond of the start of the click. [src] |
extractrange | Extracts a sample range from a sound file and stores in second filename [src] |
looptest | Test looping a soundfile using the SoundFileRead class. [src] |
makemulti | Takes several mono input files and writes them all to a single multi-channel soundfile. The last filename is assumed to be the name of the file to be written. If the input files are not all the same length, then zeros will be appended to the channels of the shorter channels as needed. If you have different sampling rates in each input file, then the output sampling rate will be that of the first input file -- the sampling rates will not be converted by this program. [src] |
multi2mono | Adds all channels in the input sound file and writes a sound file with the summation of all channels. Amplitude scaling factor can be given to prevent clipping if necessary. [src] |
printbits | Display sound amplitude samples in binary form. [src] |
readtest | Test reading a soundfile using SoundFileRead class. [src] |
smoothpower | Calculate the average signal power for given durations and smooth the output power curve. [src] |
snd16 | Convert arbirary bits samples to 16 bit samples. For example 24 bits sample to 16, but also 8-bit to 16-bit samples as well. [src] |
sndcopy | Test reading a soundfile using SoundFileRead and SoundFileWrite class. The output of this program should be identical to the input. [src] |
sndinfo | Print out header information from input soundfile(s). [src] |
sndpower | Calculate the average signal power for given durations [src] |
sndreverse | Demonstration of SoundFileRead::gotoSample(). Reverses all of the samples from input soundfile. [src] |
sndscale | Scale the volume of a soundfile. [src] |
sndsubtract | subtract two sound files and store results in a third soundfile. Input soundfiles are assumed to have the same number of channels and ideally should have the same length. [src] |
tempochange | Program to generate soundfiles for an experiment where the tempo of a tap is changed and a listener needs to determine if the tempo increased or decreased. No tempo preparation is given with an initial steady tempo to reference; the acceleration/deceleration begins immediately. [src] |
writetest | Test writing a soundfile using SoundFileWrite class. [src] |