// // Programmer: Craig Stuart Sapp // Creation Date: Wed May 14 23:44:12 GMT-0800 1997 // Last Modified: Sun Apr 12 12:16:49 PDT 1998 // Filename: ...sig/doc/examples/sig/sigfile/logistic/logistic.cpp // Syntax: C++; sig // // Description: a non-linear limiter based on the logistic function // which is 1/(1+e^-x). Any real-number will be mapped // to the range from -1 to 1. Basically, this program // is useful to prevent overloading of the range -1 to 1. // #include "sigAudio.h" #include #ifndef OLDCPP #include using namespace std; #else #include #endif void checkOptions(Options& opts, int argc, char** argv); void example(void); void usage(const char* command); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { Options options; checkOptions(options, argc, argv); SoundHeader header; char* infilename = ""; char* outfilename = NULL; long numSamples = 0; if (options.getArgCount() == 1) { // use whitenoise outfilename = options.getArg(1); header.setHighMono(); if (options.getInt("samples") > 0) { numSamples = options.getInt("samples"); } else { numSamples = (int)(options.getDouble("duration") * 44100 + 0.5); } } else { // use input soundfile infilename = options.getArg(1); header.setHeader(infilename); numSamples = header.getSamples(); outfilename = options.getArg(2); } // Elements: SoundFileIn insound(infilename); SoundFileOut outsound(outfilename, header); LogisticLimiter limitLeft; LogisticLimiter limitRight; WhiteNoise noise(1); Envelope ampEnv(options.getString("amp-env"), numSamples); Multiply mulLeft; Multiply mulRight; // Connections: mulLeft.connect(ampEnv); mulRight.connect(ampEnv); outsound.connect(limitLeft,0); if (header.getChannels() > 1) { outsound.connect(limitRight, 1); } if (strlen(infilename) == 0) { // use noise mulLeft.connect(noise); mulRight.connect(noise); limitLeft.connect(mulLeft); limitRight.connect(mulRight); } else { // use input file mulLeft.connect(insound, 1, 0); mulRight.connect(insound, 1, 1); limitLeft.connect(mulLeft); limitRight.connect(mulRight); } Action action; action.tick(outsound, numSamples); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////// // // checkOptions -- handle command-line options. // void checkOptions(Options& opts, int argc, char** argv) { opts.define("a|amp|amp-env=s:0 1 1 1"); opts.define("d|dur|duration=d:1.0 second"); opts.define("s|samples=i"); opts.define("author=b"); opts.define("version=b"); opts.define("example=b"); opts.define("help=b"); opts.process(argc, argv); if (opts.getBoolean("author")) { cout << "Written by Craig Stuart Sapp, " << "craig@ccrma.stanford.edu, March 1999" << endl; exit(0); } if (opts.getBoolean("version")) { cout << "sigfile: logistic 7 March 1999" << endl; cout << "compiled: " << __DATE__ << endl; cout << SIG_VERSION << endl; exit(0); } if (opts.getBoolean("help")) { usage(opts.getCommand()); exit(0); } if (opts.getBoolean("example")) { example(); exit(0); } // can only have one input and one output filename if (opts.getArgCount() == 0) { cout << "Error: need one output file name." << endl; usage(opts.getCommand()); exit(1); } else if (opts.getArgCount() > 2) { cout << "Error: too many arguments. Given " << opts.getArgCount() << " but need only 2." << endl; usage(opts.getCommand()); exit(1); } } ////////////////////////////// // // example -- gives example calls to the resonator program. // void example(void) { cout << "# logistic examples: \n" " logistic -a \"0 0 1 10 2 0\" out.snd \n" << endl; } ////////////////////////////// // // usage -- how to run the osc program on the command line. // void usage(const char* command) { cout << endl; cout << "A Logistic function amplitude limiter. Uses noise if no input " "soundfile.\n" << "Can handle mono or stero soundfiles.\n"; cout << endl; cout << "Usage: " << command << "[[-a amp][-d duration|-s samples]|insound] outsound" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Options: " << endl; cout << " -d = duration in seconds of whitenoise if used (default 1.0)\n"; cout << " -s = duration in samples of whitenoise if used (default null)\n"; cout << " overrides -d option if specified.\n"; cout << " -a = amplitude envelope of whitenoise if used " << "(default is \"0 1 1 1\")\n"; cout << " --options = list of all options, aliases and defaults \n"; cout << endl; } // md5sum: 929dfe47f84cec180c1b6cf264bb588d logistic.cpp [20050403]