// // Programmer: Craig Stuart Sapp // Creation Date: Thu Jul 5 15:07:23 PDT 2001 // Last Modified: Thu Jul 5 18:33:20 PDT 2001 // Filename: ...sig/examples/sig/sigAudio/micinfo.cpp // Syntax: C++ // // Description: Simple example audio reading program that measures // the basic audio quality of the audio input from // the microphone. // #include "sigAudio.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main(void) { AudioIn audioin; audioin.open(); double sample = 0.0; double allsample = 0.0; double sqsample = 0.0; double rms = 0.0; int total = 100000; int timeoffset = 10000; cout << "Reading input from microphone." << endl; cout << "The input to the mic should be quiet for this test. " << endl; for (int i=0; i timeoffset) { allsample += sample; sqsample += sample * sample; } } cout << "Done recording input audio." << endl; cout << "DC offset : " << sample/(total-timeoffset) << endl; rms = sqrt(sqsample/(total-timeoffset)); cout << "RMS signal : " << rms << endl; cout << "SNR : " << -20 * log10(rms) << endl; cout << "Linear Bits: " << (-20 * log10(rms))/6.02 << endl; audioin.close(); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Sample analyses: ### A GOOD MICROPHONE/SOUNDCARD: DC offset : -1.01725e-09 RMS signal : 7.16089e-05 SNR : 82.9007 Linear Bits: 13.7709 ### A BAD MICROPHONE/SOUNDCARD: DC offset : -2.516e-07 RMS signal : 0.0229982 SNR : 32.7661 Linear Bits: 5.44288 */ // md5sum: 54682ff9d5110540afa2187b2531f6f1 micinfo.cpp [20050403]